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时间:2022-04-24 23:01来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着因特网成为人们生产信息和发布信息的重要平台,网络信息速度增长,因特网是一个非常大的仓库,信息存储量惊人,在现代这种社会,有很多强大的搜索引擎可以去搜集信息,有些网站的检索能力也是不可小觑的,它们可以在一秒钟以内查找到几千甚至是几万篇的关于某个主题的文章。大部分的学生不管是写什么样的论文题目都会去使用网络,并且有些过分的依赖这些已经存在的信息,学生可以在很少的时间内找到这些与他们题目相关的信息,然后通过复制、粘贴完成一份论文。80260



为了提供良好的服务,这个系统的客户端有web浏览器就可以使用该系统了,服务器则采用了目前企业级开发中常用的三层架构。该系统使用了微软的ASP。NET技术结合其SQL Server数据库系统进行开发,其运行效率和安全性还是可以得到保障的。


Abstract: As the Internet has become an import platform for people to produce information and release information, the network information is growing fast, the internet is a very large warehouse, and the amount of information stored is amazing, in this modern society, there are many powerful search engine to collect information, some websites retrieval ability is not to be underestimated, they can be found in less than one second to several thousand or even tens of thousands of pieces of articles on a topic。 Most of the students no matter what kind of paper to write the title will to use the internet, and some these already excessive rely on the existing information, students can find these topics with their related information in less time, and then copy and paste complete a thesis。

The body of the paper about the possibility of the existence of these problems, found this behavior, according to their own professional knowledge to develop a detection the replication system, so you can quickly identify student is not copied from the network, the system is in the 。Net platform to achieve the above。

This system is mainly pided into three categories of users, they are administrators, teachers and students, administrator’s role is mainly to achieve the function of user management; teachers is mainly realize the function of database management; students are mainly realize the function。 Through the realization of the function module, the user management the check system provides a good way of management。

In order to provide good service, the system of client is a web browser, you can use the system, the server uses the currently developing enterprise in Tree-Tier architecture。 The system used Microsoft’s ASP。NET technology combined with the SQL Server database system is developed, the efficiency and safety of operation can still be guaranteed。

Keywords: Thesis check weight system, Tree-Tier Architecture, ASP。NET


1  绪论 3

1。1 选题的背景和意义 3

1。2 课题研究现状 3

1。3 论文的主要结构 5

2  系统的理论工具 5

2。1三层架构概述 asp.net论文查重系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_93156.html
