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时间:2022-03-24 22:34来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Along with the rapid development of society, colleges and universities community quantity, and greatly increased Numbers of society。 Facing the surge in the amount of information, an urgent need to use computer information technology to improve work efficiency, reduce the waste of labor, which in turn, the community management system application。 Use of management system, can speed up the process of community information, reduce the previous management of cumbersome process, reduce the workload。 System design requirements do is simple, flexible, practical, safe and stable。 Management system can be simply pided into two modules: the user module and administrator module。 User module mainly has the user registration, corporate applications, message boards, and other functions; The administrator module mainly has the community management, information, statistics, information release, etc。 This system with B/S (browser/server structure), on the basis of the software system architecture system using Mysql database design, using the Java programming language to realize each function module, and testing system。

Key Words: Student associations; Information statistics; Community management module

目    录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

1。绪论 2

1。1课题背景 2

1。2目的和意义 2

2。开发技术介绍 2

2。1 JSP技术 2

2。2 Javascript技术 2

3。系统分析与设计 3

3。1可行性分析 3

3。2系统功能设计 3

3。3数据库设计 4

4。系统功能实现 7

4。1管理员模块 7

4。2普通用户界面 8

5。系统测试 9

5。1系统测试目的与意义 9

5。2测试过程 9

6。结论 10

参考文献 11



1。1 课题背景

在信息化飞速发展的今天,智能管理已经涉及到我们生活中的方方面面。目前,我国高等院校中对社团信息的管理还停留在人工记录操作阶段,占用了大量的人力物力,加大了学生社团的经济负担,这种管理模式严重拖累了社团的繁荣发展,终将被历史所淘汰。所以,加快与信息时代接轨,运用信息化进行社团管理是如今社团发展的必然选择。建立一个完善的社团管理机制不仅可以使得社团管理变得更加高效快捷,而且可以大量节省人力物力,降低社团建设资金成本,进而更好的促进高校社团的运行与发展。论文网 jsp学生社团管理系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_91572.html
