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时间:2022-03-09 23:12来源:毕业论文

摘要: 随着计算机技术的不断运用到生活中,计算机技术已经是生活中必不可少的一部分了,可以使得个人生活和企业的管理带来便利。订单管理系统是对客户的订单进行处理的管理系统,但是现在的订单管理系统存在着一些问题,大量订单的处理过程中会出现订单信息混淆、遗漏或者是发错等不必要的错误。还有就是存在着信息不同步的问题,由于一个订单的处理过程中有可能会经过很多环节,难免会存在信息不同步导致订单不能及时处理的问题。这一类问题主要的原因是一个订单从用户下单到用户收到货物签单完成这一系列的过程中,需要经过的流程繁多,若是一个人需要处理一整个订单的所有流程,那么出错就在所难免。为此需要一款可以让不同部门都可以对自己负责的一部分进行处理,达到对于订单的操作分流的目的,并能实时同步信息可以避免信息延迟的电商订单管理系统78791


毕业论文关键词: B/S;ASP。NET;订单管理;数据库;商品管理

Electricity supplier order management system

Abstract: With the development of computer application, computer technology has entered into fields in life, and it can bring convenience to the management of personal life and enterprise。 Order management system uses the software system to process customer orders。 But the order management system now has some problems, such as confusion, order information omissions or wrong unnecessary mistakes。 There is the problem of information synchronization, because an order processing process may include complex transaction, such as receiving the order, establishing the file associations with customers and commodity, auditing the corresponding information, building the customer list, checking order,  printing order and so on。 It is inevitable to result in omission or confusion。 Therefore, this paper design a logical management system based on network to achieve lots of orders, deal with them in real time to ensure information synchronization。 

This paper mainly introduces how to develop a ASP。NET management system based on business orders, including commodity management, order management, warehouse management and user information management。 It processed the customer order through authority assignment and account pision, reduced the operation amount of inpidual users, and can achieve synchronous update to keep information consistent during the entire order information processing procedure as much as possible so that the order will be handled duly, effectively and fast。

Keywords: B/S;ASP。NET;Order management; Database; Commodity management


摘要 1

Abstract 2

1 绪论 4

1。1 目的和意义、国内外研究现状 4

1。1。1 目的和意义 4

1。1。2 国内外研究现状 4

  1。1。3 水平和发展趋势 5

2 系统关键技术 asp.net电商订单管理系统的设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_90898.html
