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时间:2022-01-12 21:18来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:考试系统 ; JSP; Struts2; Hibernate; 

Design and Implementation of Online Examination System

Abstract: Online examination system is currently high market share, the most widely used test remote network learning software for government, industry, professional and corporate online exams, assignments, exercises and other applications。 It uses the Web the way, applies to both LAN and Internet, without having to install a client, you can achieve online exams, assignments, training, performance ranking and other functions, and the ability to save scripts, automatic judgment, scores query and analysis functions。

On the development methods, the introduction of today's popular struts2 and Hibernate technical ideas, database using MySQL5。0。 The entire development process is pided into the needs analysis, step outline design, detailed design, system implementation。 The system is optimized and recycling management process, so that more efficient management of human resources and scientific data more accurate, thus the personnel department from the heavy, time-consuming work of liberation, to concentrate on higher-level policy work。

Keywords: online examination system; JSP; Struts2; Hibernate; 


第 1章 前言 1

1。1开发背景 1

1。2 开发目标 1

1。3 开发环境 2

第 2章 系统分析 3

2。1 可行性分析 3

2。1。1技术可行性 3

2。1。2经济可行性 3

2。2 需求分析 4

第 3章 系统设计 5

3。1 系统的功能模块设计 5

3。2数据库设计 6

3。2。1 概念模型设计 6

3。2。2逻辑模型设计 9

3。3 系统结构设计 11

第 4章 系统实现 12

4。1 登录模块的实现 12

4。2 系统主界面的实现 14

4。3 考生信息管理模块 15

4。4 试卷管理模块 17

4。5 题库管理模块 19

4。6 考试管理模块 21

4。7 考试系统数据库实现 JSP+mysql在线考试系统的设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_88321.html
