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时间:2021-10-09 21:55来源:毕业论文
运用C#设计语言配合C/S技术,系统的数据库采用了 sqlserver。此次系统设计主要包括几大功能模块,这几大功能模块将企业商品管理涉及的各方面内容都考虑进去。最后,经过系统需求分

摘要: 随着信息化技术的快速发展,计算机应用已经进入了千家万户,随着中泰数码企业商品在不断的增多,商品进销存管理上也存在着许多问题。商品数据的处理量快速增长,人为的去管理大大的加重了本身的工作量,不仅没有达到解放劳动生产率,反而增加了人为的付出,目前,利用互联网进行数据的收纳统计、处理和分析相对应的方面,可以有效的减轻人力和物力的资源浪费和消耗。中泰数码企业需要仓储管理系统的建立,能为企业商品管理提供信息化管理和动态化管理,提高商品管理质量和使用效率。72619

在本系统的设计中,运用C#设计语言配合C/S技术,系统的数据库采用了 sqlserver。此次系统设计主要包括几大功能模块,这几大功能模块将企业商品管理涉及的各方面内容都考虑进去。最后,经过系统需求分析和系统设计方式进行验证,结果显示,证明本设计有实用价值。从而从软件设计的角度对研究的理论,基础、系统整体布局及系统等具体设计进行了详细研究。

毕业论文关键词: 管理系统;仓储管理;信息化管理;C/S语言

Abstract Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, computer applications have entered the tens of thousands of households, with the Thai digital business enterprises continue to increase, commodity inventory management also has many problems。 Commodity data processing capacity of rapid growth, man-made management greatly increased their own workload, not only did not achieve the liberation of labor productivity, but increased the man-made pay, at present, the use of the Internet data storage statistics, processing and analysis of the corresponding The area can effectively reduce the waste of human and material resources and consumption。 China and Thailand need to establish a digital warehousing management system for enterprise product management to provide information management and dynamic management, improve product management quality and efficiency。

In the design of the system, the use of C # design language with C / S technology, the system uses sqlserver database。 The system design includes several major functional modules, these major functional modules will be involved in all aspects of enterprise product management are taken into account。 The main modules are the system user application management module, the basic information data management module, the operator information management module, the supplier information management module, the commodity category information management module, the commodity outbound storage resource management module and the commodity sales management module。 Finally, after the system requirements analysis and system design to verify the results show that the design has practical value。 So as to study the theory, the foundation, the overall layout of the system and the system from the point of view of software design。

Keywords: Keywords: Management system; Warehouse management; Information management; C/S language


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 开发背景 1

1。1 课题意义 1

1。2 研究现状 1

1。3 发展趋势 2

1。4 系统的开发方法 3

1。4。1 生命周期发 C#+sqlserver仓储管理系统设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_82641.html
