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时间:2021-08-14 21:28来源:毕业论文

摘要道路设计为了保证行车的平稳性与安全性,其在平面上的构成除了直线段 外,还有曲线段,即为平曲线。线路常用的平曲线有圆曲线、缓和曲线、回头曲 线和复曲线等。另外,由于地形起伏的影响,线路在里程上的坡度也要发生变化。 当两相邻的坡度的代数差超过一定数值时,在变坡处需使用竖曲线连接。本文主 要是通 Visual Basic(以下简称 VB)语言进行程序设计来实现圆曲线、缓和曲线 以及竖曲线放样时细部数据计算。70811

通过 VB 程序设计的高效、快捷来实现曲线要素及主点里程计算、曲线独立 坐标计算以及曲线线路坐标计算。程序设计实现了曲线测设数据处理的智能化, 利用计算机代替人工。来降低测绘工作者的劳动强度,在提高内业效率的同时为 测绘外业提供便捷。

该论文有图 13 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 10 篇。

毕业论文关键词:曲线放样 VB 程序设计

Program Design of Cure Lofting Detail Coordinate Calculation

Abstract The design of Road is in order to guarantee the stability and miaourity of driving, is in the plane of its component in addition to the straight line segment, and curve segment which consist of a plane curve. Line of commonly used plane curve has a circular curve and relaxed curve, back curve and curve, etc. In addition, because of the influence of the terrain curves and waves, the line on the mileage of slope will change too. When the two adjacent slope algebraic difference exceeds a certain value, the variable slope connection to use vertical curve. This article mainly through Visual Basic (VB) language program design to realize circular curve, the easement curve and vertical curve lofting detail data calculation.

By VB program design of efficient, fast curve elements and main point mileage calculation, curve coordinate calculation and curve lines coordinate calculation. Programfeng design to achieve the curve and test data processing of intelligent,using computer to replace artifical hand caculation. Thus, it can reduce labor intensity of surveying and mapping workers and improve efficiency in the industry at the same time provide convenient for mapping.

This paper has 13 figures,2 tables,10 references.

Key words: Curve lofting VB Program design


Abstract II

目 录 III

图清单 V

表清单 V

1 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究的目的与意义 1

1.3 VB 语言 1

1.4 有关曲线放样时细部计算程序设计的一些概论 2

2 曲线的数学模型 3

2.1 圆曲线 3

2.2 缓和曲线 5

3 不同曲线类型的不同放样方法 10

3.1 VB曲线放样时细部坐标计算程序设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_80286.html
