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时间:2021-08-14 20:47来源:毕业论文

摘要随着科技的发展,教育也逐渐变得现代化。教育工作者开始意识到传统的面对面 的课堂教学已经无法满足现今社会的教育需求了,因此,Moodle 应时而生。Moodle 具 有先进的网络教学理念,集开放性、互动性、灵活性等优点于一身。它从根本上改变了 原本由技术驱动的在线教学模式,并成功转型为以教育和网络教学论驱动的新型的在线 教学工具,许多开发者为此吸引,世界各国的研究者在不断地研究开发 Moodle 的新功 能、新插件,使得这一平台得到不断地完善。70802

本文首先阐述了研究该课题的背景,目的和意义。然后对该系统进行了分析,包括 环境分析和需求分析等。最后是本文的主体部分。从 Moodle 的下载,安装到使用对这 一平台的功能做了详细的介绍。以《操作系统》这一门课程为例,从管理员,教师,学 生三个不同的用户角度对该平台的具体操作进行了说明,直观地将这一平台展示在大家 面前,从而可以促使大家主动地去使用这种在线教学方式,以改变教学模式,提高学习 效率。

该论文有图 141 幅,参考文献 20 篇。

毕业论文关键词:在线教学 Moodle 学习效率

The Design and Implementation of Online Teaching System Based on Moodle

Abstract With the advent of educational information, educators have realized that the traditional face-to-face classroom teaching has been unable to meet the needs of today's  society, therefore, Moodle should be. Moodle based on advanced network teaching concepts, with open, flexible, interactive, advantage sharing, fundamentally changes the network teaching mode of technology driven, and the transition to the drive of a new generation of network teaching tools to education and the network teaching theory, which makes the Moodle has attracted a large number of developers, the researchers of all countries in the continuous development of Moodle new features, the new plug-in, the function consummates day by day.

This paper firstly describes the background, purpose and significance of the research on this subject. Then the system is analyzed, including environmental analysis and demand analysis, etc The last part is the main part of this paper. Download from the Moodle, the installation of the use of this platform to do a detailed introduction of the function. In the course of "operating system" as an example, from the administrator, teachers, students three different point of view of the users of the platform specific operations are described, an intuitive way to this platform to show in front of everyone, which can make the people take the initiative to use the online teaching methods, in order to change the mode of teaching and improve learning efficiency.

Key Words: Online Teaching Moodle Learning Efficiency


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract. Ⅱ

目录 Ⅲ

图清单 V

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2  课题的设计与实现概述 1

1.3 课题的目的及意义 2

1.4 本章小结 2

2 需求分析 3

2.1 环境需求 3

2.2 学生需求 4

2.3 教师需求 4

2.4 功能需求 4

2.5 本章小结 4 基于Moodle的在线教学系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_80274.html
