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时间:2021-06-20 15:54来源:毕业论文
任务是利用计算机编程语言开发移动端公司订单管理系统,我开发出的系统是在Windows 7平台下,利用HTML语言和JSP语言分别实现其静态页面和动态功能,再结合SQL Sever数据库管理系统开发

摘要:在人工智能、大数据、云计算这些前沿理念都深入我们的思想的时代,互联网的普及已经具有颇具规模,电子商务门户也“百花齐放”对于大企业来说,有具有计算机专业知识的人来进行维护和更新企业的数据库系统,那么对于中小企业来说,一个简单便捷的移动端订单系统想必能为他们解决不少问题。本论文在旅游到义乌获得灵感,旨在为义务的一家小商品城设计一个属于他们的移动端订单管理系统。在设计过程中,以方便管理员和客户的操作、管理、搜索为设计方向,减轻商家和客户的精力和时间投入。本课题的任务是利用计算机编程语言开发移动端公司订单管理系统,我开发出的系统是在Windows 7平台下,利用HTML语言和JSP语言分别实现其静态页面和动态功能,再结合SQL Sever数据库管理系统开发出JAVA-MVC框架的移动端订单管理系统。该系统是服装销售、用户注册、购物车、留言板、用户管理、订单管理、信息管理于一体的网站并利用JavaScript设计在网页中的二维码来实现移动端这个主题。68768

毕业论文关键词: Web平台;JSP技术;服装销售;二维码

Mobile terminal company order management system

Abstract:The calculation of these cutting-edge ideas into our minds in the era of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud, the popularity of the Internet has a large-scale e-commerce portal, "All flowers bloom together." for large enterprises, with the computer professional knowledge to maintain and update the database system of the enterprise, so for small and medium enterprises, a a simple and convenient mobile terminal system for their orders must solve many problems. Inspired by the idea of traveling to Yiwu, this paper aims to design a mobile terminal order management system for a small commodity city. In the design process, in order to facilitate the administrator and customer operations, management, search for the design direction, to reduce the merchants and customers of the energy and time invested. The task of this project is to use the order management system of computer programming language to develop the mobile terminal company, I developed the system is on the platform of Windows 7, respectively. The static and dynamic functions by using HTML language and JSP language, and then open the order management system for mobile end JAVA-MVC framework combined with SQL Sever database management system. The system is a two-dimensional code clothing sales, user registration, shopping cart, message board, user management, order management, information management in one of the sites and the use of JavaScript design in a web page to achieve the theme of mobile terminal.

KeyWords:Web platform; JSP technology; clothing sales; two-dimensional code


1.绪论 1

  1.1开发背景 1

1.2开发意义 1

1.3 国内外现状研究 1

1.4设计思想和工作安排 3

2.开发技术介绍 4

2.1开发语言 4

    2.1.1HTML+CSS 4

2.1.2JSP 4

2.1.3SqlServer 4

2.1.4JavaScript 4

2.2开发工具 4

2.2.1Dreamweaver 4

2.2.2 myeclipse 4

2.3二维码介绍 5

3.系统分析 6

3.1可行性分析 jsp移动端公司订单管理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_77453.html
