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时间:2021-05-01 08:19来源:毕业论文

摘要基于Web的应用已经渗透到我们各行各业的业务工作中,利用动态网页开发技术可以方便的实现数据库查询,并将查询结果在浏览器端以报表格式输出显示, 但是,这些信息不仅多而复杂,而且很难显示统计规律。因此,如何直观地将数据信息的统计规律展现到关心者的视野是合作企业业务项目的需求,也是本文所要探索的主要问题。66675


毕业论文关键词:数据可视化  Web  不确定度计算


Title        Web-based data visualization system           



Web-Based applications have penetrated into our business from all walks of life work. In the state of data visualization, dynamic web development technology can facilitate the realization of database queries. The query results are in the browser-side in the appropriate report format. However, because of complexities in the information, it is very difficult to show statistical regularities. Therefore, intuitively in the statistical characteristics of information is the main concern in the joint venture business projects which is addressed in the current project.

In this paper, Web-Based information is iconified by using Ext JS framework. To explain the process, the first part of the paper describes the importance of access to useful information and the establishment of system design based on the necessity and feasibility of the statistical information in the Web icon. And then we introduce the statistic icon systems’ development methods and implementation technologies. The final part presents some examples of the development of Web-Based statistic icons by extracting data from the database and generating radar chart, pie chart, line chart, and bar chart, etc. Also, it successfully visualizes the uncertainty calculation data according to meet the requirements of displaying and analyzing the result of uncertainty calculations.

Keywords: Data Visualization    Web   Uncertainty Calculation 

目   录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究思路及主要工作 1

1.3 论文组织结构 3

2 开发环境 4

2.1 开发环境 4

2.2 开发环境搭建 4

3 实现技术 6

3.1 EXTJS介绍 6


3.3 STRUTS介绍 9

4 设计与实现 12

4.1 功能模块 12

4.2 前端设计 13

4.3 持久层 jsp图示化系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_74659.html
