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时间:2021-04-09 22:27来源:毕业论文


关键词:JAVA 基础管理 struts2.0 hibernate3.0

毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Design and development of the basic management platform of information system based on JAVA        

Abstract The college entrance examination and enrollment system is a WEB application based on ASP.NET, we decided to design this system, using JAVA development. University admission system is an information management system. For the information management system, the basic management is one of the most important module, it carries on the management to the user, for assigning users to roles, manage user permissions and assign different permissions to different roles. JSP is a kind of dynamic webpage development popular technology, based on JAVA development platform, the various advantages of JAVA language, including the use of cross-platform, reusable, open source, easy to learn and provide a variety of frame. At the same time, the webpage display separation and user logic, using a compilation. This development also uses several frameworks, including struts, hibernate. The use of framework greatly improves the programming efficiency, simplifies the routine, repetitive programming code.

Keywords: JAVA user management struts2.0 hibernate3.0


1 绪论 1

2 相关技术和开发工具 2

2.1 JAVA开发环境 2

2.2 Servlet /JSP机制和Tomcat服务器 2

2.3 关系数据库 3

2.4 框架 4

3 开发环境构建 6

4 系统架构和总体设计 7

4.1 B/S架构 7

4.2 业务框架 7

4.3 系统功能描述 8

4.4 数据库设计 10

5 系统实现 12

5.1 软件开发环境 12

5.2 界面设计和实现 13

5.3 控制类的设计和实现 21

5.4 模型类的设计和实现 24

结  论 29

致  谢 30

参考文献 31

1 绪论

    每年的全国高等学校统一招生考试是我国选拔优秀人才的一项重要工作,招生工作是否能够正常运转关系到国家的人才战略储备和社会的稳定性,高考的政策性指导性比较强、而且涉及到的范围大、中间环节多,所以要求特别高,是一项十分庞大并且复杂的系统工程,所以不能有丝毫的错误,这将关系到每个考试的前途命运。 JAVA招生录取信息化系统基础管理平台设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_72692.html
