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时间:2021-03-03 21:43来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词  PDF417条码;条码识别;边缘检测;条码分割

Title   The research of two dimensional barcode recognition technology            

Abstract With the development of information recognition technology ,barcode has been widely applied in all aspects of society .From the one dimensional code developed to two dimensional code ,barcode storage becomes large, and the secrecy is better .Two dimensional barcode gradually promoted and applied ,of which the PDF417 applied most widely. In recent years, two dimensional barcode technology in the country made some progress, but still not enough. Therefore, research on two dimensional barcode has great practical significance. 

This paper mainly studies the PDF417 two dimensional barcode recognition algorithm is based on image processing. The algorithm preprocess the image first, and then pided the barcode, line by line translated the barcode into a standard of PDF417 two dimensional. In this paper, choose a PDF417 barcode sampled from an ideal environment, binarize the image ,then use Sobel operator for edge detection, pide the whole image into several single barcodes, do vertical projection of the single barcode at last.

Due to time constraints, the article only made a preliminary study for PDF417 barcode recognition method, there are still many issues worthy studying, such as fast reading two dimensional barcodes, two dimensional barcode identification on the hardware implementation.

Keywords  PDF417 barcode; barcode recognition; edge detection; barcode segmentation; 

1  绪论 1

1.1  条形码的发展   1

1.2  条码的分类   1

2  PDF417二维条码 3

2.1  概述 3

2.2  PDF417条码的结构 4

2.3  PDF417条码的符号表示 5

2.4  PDF417条码的编码方式 7

2.5  PDF417条码的检错与纠错10

2.6  本章小结  11

3  PDF条码图像的识别算法设计  12

3.1  引言12

3.2  PDF417条码图像预处理13

3.3  识读条码的行数和行高15

3.4  PDF417条码字符序列的识别17

3.5  条空序列的识别19

3.6  本章小结20

4  PDF417条码图像识别算法的验证与仿真 21

4.1  条码的采集21

4.2  图片预处理21

4.3  条码的分层处理与识别23

4.4  本章小结24

5  总结与展望25

致谢 26


1  绪论

1.1  条形码的发展

现代社会,条形码已经在社会的各个领域得到的大范围的应用,深入到人们生活的方方面面,并逐渐成为现代社会不可缺少的一部分。自从条形码问世以来,有了长足的发展,从最初依赖数据库“标识”物品的一维码发展到信息量更大更便捷的二维码。如今,条形码已经在商业、运输业、金融、医疗卫生等行业得到了广泛的应用,渗透到社会生活的各个领域。随着科技的发展,一维条形码只能存储数字、字母等信息的功能已经逐步跟不上科技的进步,人们急切需求一种新的存储量更大、信息种类更繁多的条码,二维码便能很好的满足需求。 PDF417二维条码识别技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_70764.html
