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时间:2021-01-13 20:02来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The rapid development and wide application of computer network technology, online software tools based on Web-side has been active in the enterprise market after the PC client programs. Traditional project management software for PC clients relies on extensive project functions and improve the system of project tools still occupy half of the market Enterprise Project Management. Gantt chart software is also widely used. But as the competing needs of enterprises in network economic era changes, breaking the geographical constraints of space, realizing enterprise project collaboration, resource sharing, online data exchange software tools more by the majority of enterprises favor through advanced computer network technology. This paper presents a Web-based end lightweight project management solutions. The system adopts B/S architecture, including front-end Gantt chart visualization and the establishment and maintenance of the database. The former requires that the application is fully functional, easy to use. While the latter requires the establishment of databases, data security and integrity. Test results showed that the program design is stable, user-friendly, with a strong practical.

Keywords: Project Management;Gantt chart;Network technology


一、课题绪论 1

(一) 课题研究的目的与意义 1

1、 研究目的 1

2、 研究意义 1

(二) 课题研究的背景 1

1、 课题研究的现状 2

2、 课题研究的发展趋势 3

(三) 本文的主要内容 3

二、技术概述 5

(一) 甘特图 5

(二) 前端页面的展示 5

1、 HTML和XML语言基础 5

2、 JavaScript动态交互 6

3、 CSS网页样式 6

(三) 数据交互的基础 7

1、 MySQL数据库 7

2、 脚本语言PHP 7

三、总体规划 8

(一) 系统的规划 8

(二) 系统设计思路 8

1、 目标使用者 8
