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时间:2017-05-02 12:22来源:毕业论文

关键词  移动互联网  智能手机 可用性 用户体验 交互设计  iPhone

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title    Research of smart phone user behavior characteristics and cell phone information interface Based on the analysis of the development of mobile Internet                                                                        
At present,Mobile Network has profoundly changes human life, especially, the emergence of the mobile phone screen touch intelligence, let people experience to new suddenly man-machine interactive way, therefore, all sorts of mobile Internet usability problems study is very necessary. In this paper the development of mobile Internet were summarized, and combed the usability problems, mobile phone interaction design and mobile phone information architecture of some of the theoretical research, the key is the last part of the experience of the information to the iPhone. Experience in information, mobile phones have their own unique, therefore, the selection of the current practice of hot four questions and time lines and conversational information organization, information delivery, gestures operation, feedback, to the four questions summarized the present situation of and the trend forecast.
Keywords  phone; application; mobile network; usability; user experience; Interaction design;Information architecture;information interaction;
1 引言    1
2 移动互联网与手机    1
2.1 移动互联网    1
2.2 智能手机    2
3 可用性与用户体验    3
3.1 可用性    3
3.2 用户体验    3
3.3 可用性评价    4
4 手机交互设计    5
4.1 手机交互界面设计    5
4.2 手机应用信息架构    9
5 iPhone上的信息体验研究    11
5.1 时间线与会话关联    11
5.2 信息推送    13
5.3 手势操作    14
5.4反馈    18
结 论    23
参考文献    24
1 引言
自从3G网络迅猛发展,各大智能手机操作系统上线,苹果发布iPhone与 APP应用市场,触屏智能手机正成为手机市场主流,这些都深刻地改变着人们的生活方式。
在智能手机上,人们对手机的使用不同于从前对于按键手机的使用,手机功能不仅仅是打电话、发短信,而是作为人们生活的智能终端,移动互联网也不同于电脑所代表的传统互联网,人们使用移动互联网的场景和目的都有着很大的不同,所有的使用可以说都是基于场景的。 基于移动互联网发展分析的智能手机用户行为特点与手机信息界面研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_6137.html