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时间:2020-07-19 21:40来源:毕业论文
采用了Browser/Server体系结构,JSP(Java Server Page)作为前台开发工具,MySQL作为后台数据库进行开发。最终系统实现的系统将分为管理员、专家和会员三个角色,其中系统管理员部分的主要功

摘要: 进入了21世纪随着科学技术的突飞猛进,人类生活质量有了巨大的提升,其中计算机科学技术的飞速发展,计算机应用技术在各行各业中扮演着举足轻重的角色。伴随着信息化时代的到来,人类社会即将进入一个全新的时代。本系统的题目是医院门诊系统的设计开发,是针对医院对患者门诊处理信息的管理而设计的,目的是改变医院门诊现有的手工或半手工的管理模式,使医院门诊工作更规范,更标准,提高工作效率。52677

本系统采用了Browser/Server体系结构,JSP(Java Server Page)作为前台开发工具,MySQL作为后台数据库进行开发。最终系统实现的系统将分为管理员、专家和会员三个角色,其中系统管理员部分的主要功能包括修改登录密码、会员信息管理、科室信息管理、专家信息管理、医院介绍管理,专家部分包括预约信息设置功能,就诊、开药等功能,会员部分包括浏览网站信息、在线注册与登录、在线预约、预约信息管理,本医院门诊系统的设计制作可以很大程度的提高医院门诊的效率,充分体现了信息时代的优越性。

毕业论文关键词: 医院门诊系统;B/S;JSP

Development of online clinic system

Abstract: With the progress of science and technology changed rapidly in the twenty-first Century, it makes human life has a huge promotion. With the rapid development of computer technology, it plays an important role in many industries. With the information-based age coming, the human civilization will enter a new era. This system is the subject of design and development of online clinic system, which is designed to the hospital management of patients, the purpose is to change the hospital registration of existing manual or semi manual management mode, making the hospital clinic work more standardized and improving the work efficiency.

The system uses the Browser/Server architecture, JSP (Java Server Page) as a development tool, MySQL as the backstage database development. The users will be pided into administrator, experts and members by the system. The main functions of the system administrator are changing the password, managing the information of members, departments, experts and hospital introduction. Experts can reply booking information in the system. Members can register, browse the hospital information, book experts and login the system. The online clinic system can greatly improve the efficiency of hospital registration. It reflects the superiority of the information era.

Keywords: Online clinic system; B/S; JSP


摘要 1

Abstract 1

目录 iii

1 引言 1

1.1 课题研究意义及背景 1

1.2 论文的目的及设计要求 1

2 研究现状及设计目标 3

2.1 医院门诊系统的现状与发展趋势 3

2.2 医院门诊系统的优缺点分析 3

2.3 现行研究存在的问题及解决方法 4

2.3.1 现行研究存在的问题 4

2.3.2 jsp医院门诊系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_56655.html
