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时间:2020-07-07 19:36来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:Android,音乐播放器,Java ,功能

Abstract: With today’s life more busy, people’s demand for entertainment is gradually improving. A good entertainment can reduce the fatigue and happy the mood. Listening music is the one of the most popular entertainment. The design is to develop a software which can convenient user to listen to music. This graduation design is based on the android system design and implementation of the local music player. This design is committed to develop a reasonable resource utilization and simply function music player which can satisfy the requirements of general users. This play can play general format music and have some functions such as play song, pause, play last song, play next song, playlist, selection of play mode and adjust the volume and the operation is simple,accessible by the user. This player can let people more convenient to listen to music and relax mind and enjoy the life. It has realistic significance.

Keywords: Android,Music player,Java,Function

 目   录

1 引言 4

1.1 课题来源与目标 4

1.2 相关的技术介绍 5

1.3 主流音乐格式 6

2 系统需求分析 7

2.1 可行性分析 7

2.2 功能需求分析 7

2.3 系统结构 8

2.4 运行环境需求 9

2.5 界面需求 9

3 数据库设计 9

3.1 数据库表及字段设计 10

3.2 数据库的建立与连接 12

4 系统详细设计 13

4.1 音乐播放器概述 13

4.2 播放器主页面的实现 16

4.3 主要功能的实现 21

4.4 主配置文件的实现 26

结  论 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 30

 1 引言

1.1 课题来源与目标


其中Google公司开发的Android移动设备系统以其开放性广、价格便宜、性能高、开源、可个性发展等优势成为最流行的全球智能手机平台之一。Android系统是一种底层基于Liunx可个性开发且自由及源代码开放的移动设备操作系统。从最早的Android1.0版本,到现在最新的Android4.4,Android系统经历不断的更新变得更加的完善。 Android平台下的音乐播放器的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_55917.html
