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时间:2020-04-05 13:40来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着信息发展的不断进步,用更智能的方法来进行考勤与管理成为现代化企业运作必不可少的一部分。因此,设计了本系统为上海现代商友软件公司的人事部门来提高工作效率,更方便跟快捷地为员工服务。该系统的主要由系统登入模块,待处理模块,通讯录模块,勤务实绩模块,非正常考勤申请模块,加班、休假、公务外出考勤申请模块等组成。员工可以登录本系统查询自己的相关考勤信息,并能够填写加班申请,也能对非正常考勤提出申请。该系统具有灵活、方便、简单、实用的特点,能满足公司主要考勤管理的需要,很大程度减少了人事部门员工的工作时间,大量减少了他们的劳动负担 ,还提高了工作效率,从而降低了公司成本,公司可以通过考勤系统得到的数据对员工的信息得到更准确深入的了解。该考勤管理系统使用Java语言编写开发,用eclipse工具开发, 运用jsp界面设计技术,数据库选用PostgreSql 9.4。47471


Design and implementation of attendance management system

Abstract: With the continuous progress of information development, using more intelligent methods to conduct attendance and management has become an indispensable part of the modern enterprise operation. Therefore, the design of the system for the Shanghai modern mentorship software company's personnel department to improve work efficiency, more convenient and efficient service employees. The system mainly consists of system login module, module to be processed, address book module, module of service performance, non normal application of check on work attendance module, overtime, vacation, business out application of check on work attendance module etc.. Employees can login the system to query their own attendance information, and be able to fill out the application for overtime, but also for non normal attendance. The system has the advantages of flexible, convenient, simple and practical, can satisfy the needs of the company attendance management, greatly reduced the working time of the personnel department staff, a significant reduction in the burden of their labor, but also improve the work efficiency, so as to reduce the company cost, the company can get through the attendance system data information to employees get more accurate understanding. The attendance management system using Java language development, eclipse as a development tool, JSP interface design technology, database selection PostgreSql 9.4.

Keywords: attendance management system, JSP interface design technology, Java language


摘要 I


目录 3

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 研究意义和目的 5

1.2 课题背景 6

1.3 研究现状 7

1.4 本章小结 8

第二章 系统概述 9

2.1JQUERY简介 9

2.2 MVC框架简介 9

2.3 SPRING简介 10

2.4 HTML5的简介 11

2.5本章小结 12

第三章 系统分析 12

3.1可行性分析 13

3.1.1 技术可行性分析 13

3.1.2 操作可行性分析 14

3.1.3 经济可行性分析 struts+spring框架的考勤系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_49585.html
