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时间:2020-01-08 20:59来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着市场竞争的越来越激烈,传统的企业管理系统逐渐的不能胜任灵活的的客户来源和关系管理,客户资源管理系统带来了企业管理的重大创新和变革。本系统采用作为.NET Framework一部分的ASP.NET技术、用C#作为开发语言,Access作为系统数据库,Microsoft Visual Studio 2012为开发工具。该系统分为管理员和用户两种角色用来管理和使用系统,实现了系统要求的登陆、查询、添加、删除、修改等功能。给企业带来了全面提高的运营效果,同时为企业扩充市场空间,维系老客户并吸引新客户。43740


Enterprise Customer Resource Management System

Abstract: Nowadays, with more and more fierce market competitions, the traditional Enterprise Resource Management System was gradually unable to administrate the flexible client resources and client relationships. In addition, the system applied C# to work as the development language, and Access to serve as system data base. Besides, the main technique of the system was ASP.NET, which held a part of .NET Framework, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 was adopted as the development tools in the system. What's more, managers and clients controlled and employed the system as 2 different roles, which meant the Client Resource Management System was worthy of the responsibility to its client resource administration. Realize the system requirements of the landing, query, add, delete, modify, and other functional. A crucial revolution was brought by a new system, that is, Client Resource Management System, which could lead the enterprise to an operation effect of a higher level in the round, and expand the marketing space to catch more new clients and maintain the old ones at the same time.

Key Words: ASP.NET; Access; Customer resource management; System Design

目    录

摘  要 1

1.课题研究现状及意义 2

1.1课题研究现状 2

1.2研究意义 2

2.系统分析 2

2.1用户需求分析 2

2.2系统数据流图 3

2.3业务流程分析 4

2.4功能需求分析 4

3.数据库设计 5

3.1数据库需求分析 5

3.2数据库的概要设计 5

3.3数据库的详细设计 6

4.系统的设计与实现 7

4.1系统功能设计 7

4.2系统实现 7

5.测试 8

6.总结 9

参考文献 9

致谢 11


在当今社会,怎样在变幻莫测的市场中留住老客户,争取到更多的新客户,在企业间激烈的竞争潮流中完胜,客户作为企业的消费者,企业能不能在市场中立得住脚,就要看企业是否抓住了客户的心,是否留得住老客户以及吸纳新的客户加入自己的公司。客户作为企业的资源并且能让企业正常的运行,所以客户才是企业的财富,对于客户将其价值得到一定的提升,从而最大限度地让企业整体的价值提升。使用CRM(Customer resource management)可以更好地帮助各大企业管理客户的信息。由于计算机应用范围的普遍推广以及简易的使用性,这些都有利于客户资源管理系统在企业中应用和普及。 asp.net+access客户资源管理系统CRM设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_44734.html
