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时间:2019-11-25 19:34来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: Flash;游戏;收拾房间;ActionScript;休闲游戏

The Designing of a Leisure Game Based On Flash

Abstract:In this article, the main part of the first half is about  the the background, current state, features, and prospect of Flash games, and the other half is about the reason of production, the theme of the game which is house cleaning, the conception of the whole process of this game, and set out the basic steps of Game Design: cleaning game process design, houses scene design, material design, animation design, the coordination of animation and music. In particular, the production processes of the Flash game were described in detail, “Examples description”, “production critical”, “The ultimate effect”, "making steps"–these parts are included in.Also a lot of shots and code to realize main animation are added to help understand. Finally, the authors write in the problems encountered in the production and the way to tacklethat help readers learn more in this example.

Keywords: Flash; Game; Clean up the house; ActionScript; Leisure games


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 iv

1.1 FLASH游戏的背景 IV

1.2 FLASH游戏的现状 IV

1.3 FLASH游戏的特点 V

1.4 FLASH游戏的发展前景 VI

2 分析 vii

2.1 FLASH游戏现况 VII

2.2 整理房间游戏制作构思 VIII

3 设计及制作 x

3.1 设计规划 X

3.1.1 游戏内容策划 x

3.1.2 色彩构思 xi

3.1.3 素材构思 xi

3.2 素材制作 XII

3.2.1 开始页面 xii

3.2.2 鼠标 xiii

3.2.3 字体选择 xiii

3.2.4 选择房间页面 xiii

3.2.5 房间设计 xiv

3.2.6 游戏素材设计 xv

3.2.7 提示 xvi

3.2.8 通关及游戏结束画面 xvii

3.2.9 其他 xvii

3.3 动画设计 XVIII

3.3.1 素材组合 xix

3.3.2 游戏整体框架设计 基于Flash的休闲类游戏整理房间开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_42363.html
