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时间:2019-08-03 09:00来源:毕业论文

Design and Realization of the Tennis Association’s Website
Abstract:  As the network developed, more and more people are accustomed to using the Internet to work, entertainment and communicate. We can extend the influence and development of tennis association by using internet. Therefore, it is necessary to design  an online tennis website, which can help the president to manage members and members to communicate on the website. The site is composed of two modules: an administrator modules and a user module. The administrator module includes the functions of BBS management, message board management, editing and publishing of news, management of member and so on. The user module includes the functions of membership forum posting, online chat room, reservation, personal information and other functions. The website is designed by PHP,  HTML and MySql database. The testing results show that the system is convenient, safe and stable.
Keywords:    tennis association; website design; database design; software testing

目  录
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题的研究背景    1
1.2    国内外研究现状与存在的问题    1
1.3    论文结构    1
2    技术背景    3
2.1    PHP    3
2.2    HTML    3
2.3    MYSQL    4
3    系统需求分析    6
3.1    需求分析    6
3.2    可行性分析    7
3.2.1    经济可行性    7
3.2.2    技术可行性    7
3.3    用例分析    7
3.4    用例描述    8
3.4.1    发布新闻的用例描述    8
3.4.2    发布任务并下载文件的用例描述    8
3.4.3    论坛管理用例描述    9
3.4.4    留言板管理用例描述    9
3.4.5    社员管理用例描述    10
3.4.6    论坛用例描述    10
3.4.7    留言板用例描述    11
3.4.8    聊天室用例描述    11
4    系统总体设计    12
4.1    系统功能模块设计    12
4.2    数据库设计    12
4.2.1    数据库的功能分析    12
4.2.2    数据库概念设计    13
4.2.3    数据库逻辑设计    13
4.2.4    数据库定义    14
4.3    系统架构    16 php+mysql网球协会网站的设计+需求分析+可行性分析:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_36612.html