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时间:2019-04-16 20:46来源:毕业论文

The Aircraft air combat game Based on java
Abstract:This paper is based on the java language, the use of eclipse development software, designed this aircraft air combat game, the source code using a simple rectangular collision detection and rewritten to achieve the flying object in the Z-axis direction of the game, but only Two units of the length of the displacement, compared to the conventional plane plane war game, the game between the high and low flight between the collision more real, while the conventional aircraft war on the basis of the game, by adding cross-border detection algorithm, not only the game Neutron bombs and flying objects cross-border detection more accurate, but also increased the enemy defensive goal of the game, in addition, the game control by the mouse to complete the liberation of the keyboard operation, the overall can give nostalgic gamers not the same game experience.
Key words : java ; Aircraft air combat game ;Impact checking
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract.    1
Key words    1
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2开发环境    2
1.3 创新点    2
2 开发环境介绍    2
2.1 anel容器    2
2.2 static静态块    3
2.3碰撞检测算法    3
2.3.1圆形碰撞检测介绍    3
2.3.2矩形碰撞检测介绍    3
2.3.3像素碰撞检测介绍    6
3 需求分析架构设计    7
3.1用例图    7
3.2游戏玩法    8
3.3游戏道具    8
3.4游戏目标    8
3.5游戏设定    9
4 详细设计与实现    10
4.1游戏类图    10
4.2游戏流程图    11
4.3游戏构造图    12
4.4鼠标事件监听    12
4.4.1 鼠标移动事件    12
4.4.2鼠标单击事件    13
4.5游戏背景的设置    14
4.6背景音乐的设置    15
4.7游戏动态运行的实现    16
4.8游戏数据的绘制    16
4.9越界检测的处理    17
4.9.1子弹越界处理    17
4.9.2敌机越界处理    17
4.9.3鼠标越界处理    18
4.10游戏道具的实现    18
4.10.1道具炸弹    18
4.10.2道具血瓶    18
4.10.3道具闹钟    19
5 实验与讨论    20
5.1测试    20
5.2尚存在的问题    20
5.3展望    21
6参考文献    22
7 致谢    22
基于java的飞机空战游戏1 绪论
    自从1962年一位叫斯蒂夫•拉塞尔的大学生编程实现了一款游戏《宇宙战争》,电脑游戏正式登录历史舞台,自此之后,各种类型的游戏如雨后春笋般涌现,电脑游戏产业开始飞速发展日臻成熟。 java飞机空战游戏开发+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_32174.html