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时间:2019-03-17 20:43来源:毕业论文
摘 要: 严格且规范的考勤管理,是每一个企业与机关劳动纪律管理的最基本工作,也是绩效管理工作的一部分,它通过约束的手段来统一员工的工作态度、规范员工的工作行为、提升员

摘  要: 严格且规范的考勤管理,是每一个企业与机关劳动纪律管理的最基本工作,也是绩效管理工作的一部分,它通过约束的手段来统一员工的工作态度、规范员工的工作行为、提升员工的工作业绩,但随着企业与机关的人员发展业务拓展,考勤地点因为不同的工作需要会随时发生变化,仅仅通过考勤卡对员工进行考勤已经无法很好的满足日常考勤管理的需求了,而当今社会智能手机的普遍使用以及诸多便利功能为考勤管理提供了另一个便利快捷易于实现和管理的考勤方法,替代昂贵的先进考勤设备、解决了生活工作中常见的考勤卡忘记携带的困扰的同时也为大量外勤业务人员的考勤管理、工作行踪定位提供了极大的便利。目前Android手机考勤系统已经为人们所接受并且在一些企业机关开始使用。本课题设计并实现的项目就是基于Android手机平台的手机考勤系统,系统用户分为管理员用户以及职工用户,管理员用户可以新增职工信息,对已有职工用户信息的修改及删除操作,在此基础上可以通过百度地图指定不同员工在任意时间地点的考勤设置并且可以对员工考勤信息进行查看作为绩效管理参考的重要依据。职工用户登录后可以通过获取当前时间和当前位置进行签到,当用户签到时所处位置离管理员预设位置太远或者签到时间存在迟到、早退现象时系统会要求职工填写异常签到信息,同样的,职工可以看到自己之前的签到信息。33856
 Design and Implementation of Mobile Attendance System
Abstract: Strict attendance and standardized management, is a business and every organ is the most basic work of enterprise management of labor discipline, is also part of performance management, it is bound to unite by means of all employees work attitude, standardize the work of the staff behavior, improve work performance of all employees, but with the development of business enterprises and government organizations and personnel expansion, attendance site because of different working needs change at any time, simply by timecard for staff attendance has been unable to satisfy daily attendance management of demand, while today's widespread use of smart phones and many social functions to facilitate attendance management provides another convenient quick and easy to implement and manage attendance method, alternative to costly advanced time and attendance equipment, to solve the common life and work attendance card forget to bring the troubled but also for a large number of field operations staff attendance management, working whereabouts positioned to provide a great convenience. Currently Android mobile phone time and attendance system is already accepted by the people and the authorities started in some enterprises. This paper designed and implemented the project is based on the Android platform for mobile phones and attendance systems, system users into user and administrator user workers, workers administrator user can add information to existing workers modify and delete user information operation, You can specify a different set of employee attendance at any time and place through Baidu map on the basis of employee time and attendance information and can be viewed as an important basis for performance management reference. Workers users logging in through to get the current time and the current location of the sign, when users sign location is too far away from the administrator presets exist or late check-time, you will be asked to fill in when workers left early abnormal attendance information, same workers can see the information they sign before.

Keywords: Android;Mobile Attendance;GPS;Baidu Map
目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1 课题背景    1
1.1.1 Android手机发展    1 Android手机考勤系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_31150.html