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时间:2018-11-05 21:03来源:毕业论文

Design and make of website of computer teaching
Abstract:The future is the Internet Era,Life, work, entertainment, education are all without the network. The traditional education depends on the textbook and the school. It has the limit for both the region and the time. So that a lot of people can not get more learning environment. Online education has broken the limit. Students can learn and exchange skills through online sites, can also choose to learn their favorite courses. They have more choices and space, and more time to dominate. It also saves a lot of expenses. This paper describes how to build a simple online learning website of Dreamweaver. Through the website plan, the homepage layout to the website production and the publication promotion and other aspects to comprehensively study the knowledge website production.Website based on ASP language to develop, combined with HTML language and JavaScript scripting language to achieve. It was made with Dreamweaver 、Photoshop、Access and so on.
Key Words: made of website;javascript;Dreamweaver
目 录
1引言    1
1.1行业前景    1
1.2本文课题及其意义    4
2网站制作技术介绍    5
2.2  PHOTOSHOP    5
2.3  FIREWORKS    6
2.4  DIV+CSS    6
2.5  JAVASCRIPT    7
2.6 ASP    7
3系统设计    9
3.1系统功能分析及设计    9
3.2数据库的结构创建    10
3.3后台服务器配置    13
4网站的设计和制作    15
4.1网站策划和设计    15
4.2网站首页制作    16
4.3栏目页和内容页的实现方法    22
4.3.1栏目页的实现方法    22
4.3.2内容页的实现方法    24
4.4会员注册的实现方法    25
4.5后台登陆和首页的实现方法    27
4.5.1 后台登陆的实现方法    27
4.5.2 后台首页的实现方法    29
4.6信息管理系统    30
4.6.1会员管理    30
4.6.2信息栏目管理实现方法    31
4.6.3添加信息的实现方法    32
4.6.4修改信息的实现方法    34
4.6.5信息列表管理的实现方法    34
5网站的测试    36
5.1测试的重要性    36
5.2 测试的过程    36
6发布和文护    38
致谢    41
参考文献    42
附录    43
1.1 行业前景
在线教育产业前景广阔,2015年或为行业爆发期与传统的线下教育相比,在线教育的优势主要体现在:1、没有时空限制,何时何地皆可学;2、可充分利用碎片化时间学习,随着移动互联网的发展,移动设备的便携性不断发挥作用;3、内容多样化,可自主选择学习内容,包括K12教育(指幼儿园到高中的基础教育)、高等教育、各类学前教育、职业教育、兴趣教育等。 asp+access计算机教学网页的设计与制作:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_25402.html