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时间:2024-05-13 22:55来源:95380





Abstract:Traditional tenders are adopted by the conference evaluation system, because of the time is too long, human factors can not be controlled, fixed location, organization of a tender review requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and the effect is not guaranteed. In the era of rapid development of science and technology, the rapid implementation of the computer network era, those who need a lot of human work slowly replaced by the computer, the network has gradually become a solution to the physical distance is too long consultation is not accurate and accurate solution is not accurate. So the network will also slowly into the public vision of the tender, the process of information technology not only save the bidding process time, and follow the principles of openness, fairness, justice and honesty and credit, in order to achieve "green tender."

This paper analyzes the background and the main needs of the contemporary bidding review, and uses the B / S architecture to design the Web-based network bidding and evaluation system. The Eclipse software is used to build the system framework of Java to realize the main function of the network bidding and evaluation system, With Sqlyog management Mysql5.5 database to achieve the tender, bidders, tender and expert review of the management. The system distinguishes between the four functions of each  unit, performs their duties and cooperates with each other, and completes the bidding in a fair and open environment - the bid - the score - the four processes. To provide users with a fair, fast and convenient network bidding platform.

The system refers to the process of simplifying the bidding process, saving funds, increasing the transparency of bidding and promotion of competition. Network technology, the new technology and technology, can continue to network bidding process innovation and norms, review this function can effectively control the threshold of bidding business, greatly improve the quality and results of bidding.

Keywords: Tender review; Network; Eclipse; Java; Mysql

第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究的意义和背景 1

1.2.1网络招标技术的意义与优势 jsp+mysql网络招标评审系统设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203827.html
