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时间:2024-05-13 22:45来源:95378




Abstract:With the continuous improvement of China's economic level and the vigorous development of tourism, its surrounding industries such as hotel services, catering services, entertainment services and other industries with the competition is also increasingly fierce. In this hotel hotel organization is very bloated, many services, complex information, the traditional manual management has been unable to meet its requirements. In order to improve the economic development, the computer is used to achieve the modernization of the hotel information management, thereby enhancing the quality of service and management level, to improve staff efficiency, speed up cash flow and reduce operating costs.

This graduation design using Tomcat server, MYSQL as a database management system, MyEclipse as a development tool, based on the MVC framework to achieve the system function. The main body content includes the user interface design, management interface and the combination of the database part of the realization. All the design of this system is based on contemporary standards to carry out, with stability, scalability, security, robustness and many other advantages, but also conducive to the expansion of the future tasks and system expansion. The system is pided into front and back two parts, the front desk is available to all staff, the latter for the administrator management system.

Keywords:Hotel Management System;Java;MYSQL


第一章绪论 1

1.1 研究课题的学术背景及其理论与实际意义 1

1.2 本课题主要研究内容 2

1.2.1课题的内容 2

1.2.2课题的设计目的 2

1.2.3本课题的目标实现 2

第二章开发环境及工具介绍 3

2.1 Java简介 3

2.2 JSP技术 4

2.3 系统开发工具 4

2.4 数据库开发工具 5

2.5 Tomcat服务器 5

第三章酒店管理系统的分析与总体设计 7

3.1 系统概述 jsp+mysql酒店管理系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_203824.html
