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时间:2018-07-18 20:38来源:毕业论文

关键词: 数据挖掘 关联规则 推荐算法 Hadoop
Title    Hadoop based Association Rule Mining for Commodity Recommendation                                 
In modern society, the e-commercial business often uses mathematical and statistics methods, based on the historical purchasing records, to predict the demands and preferences of new customers and then recommend products to them. Most current systems make those recommendations according to customers’ preference on different products. To be specific, they are based on the similarities computed between users with collaborative filtering algorithm. On the other side, there is also a correlation between goods. It is meaningful and practical to figure out the relevance between commercial goods with the recommendation algorithms based on the correlation rule, and then complete the calculation of the recommendation results with the simple mathematical model applied on massive data. This project aims to design and implement a goods-recommendation system based on correlation rules, using distributed data storage and processing ability on Hadoop platform in order to analyze massive data rapidly and finally get the required results.
Keywords: Data Mining, Association Rules, Recommendation Algorithm, Hadoop
 目  次
1  引言    1
1.1 推荐系统    1
1.2 发展现状    1
1.3 研究内容及意义    2
2  常用推荐技术    3
2.1 推荐系统相关技术    3
2.2 推荐技术的比较    4
2.3 推荐技术的选择    5
3.  推荐系统算法及技术介绍    6
3.1 关联规则经典算法    6
3.2 Hadoop分布式系统架构    18
3.3 Django网站应用架构    20
4.  推荐系统的设计与实现    22
4.1 开发环境的搭建与配置    23
4.2 数据源的获取    23
4.3 数据的预处理    25
4.4 关联规则的挖掘    25
4.5 推荐结果的展示    27
5  实验    29
5.1 算法正确性验证    29
5.2 分布式测试    32
5.3 前台展示测试    34
6  展望    36
结  论    37
致  谢    38
1  引言
1.1 推荐系统
随着电子商务的蓬勃发展,电子商务的规模日趋庞大,商业流程也越来越复杂。海量的商品交易数据增加了人们过滤无用信息的难度,对推荐系统[1]的需求越来越强烈,随着推荐技术从学术走向应用,各大在线购物网站都推出了自己的商品推荐系统,例如亚马逊的购物网站,网站能根据不同的用户的浏览记录、购买记录和商品评价等信息,在首页中对顾客进行不同商品的展示,同时当顾客购买了一个商品后,会同时给顾客推荐一些相关联的的产品,这大大减少了人们过滤无效信息的时间,提高了效率。同时,随着工业界的需求,越来越多的人从事推荐技术的研究,各种高性能的推荐算法[1]被发明出来,并被广泛地应用到各个行业,个性化推荐正在渗透到我们生活的方方面面。 基于关联规则的Hadoop平台商品推荐系统 :http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_19841.html