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时间:2018-05-10 19:13来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  腾讯游戏 ;复制营销; 中国创造
Tencent replication model
of marketing strategy research
Abstract: This paper analyze the tencent game "copy" hidden behind the marketing success and how to get rid of these risks. Network game, as one of China's nearly 10 years as the rapid development of industry, and it still has strong development potential in the future. And tencent is a rising tide lifts all boats, with its unique marketing model successfully occupied the top spot, this field from the philosophical point of view, things will have its two sides, whether to have hidden trouble in the behind of the rapid development of tencent as much as possible, and how to reduce the risk of tencent in the next decade or longer period of time to solve. In this paper, on the basis of the analysis, to "create in China" proposed the constructive reference opinions, only innovation is the necessary premise of development for a long time.
KeyWords: Tencent game; Copy the marketing; Created in China
目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)复制营销模式在中国屡创奇迹    1
1、电视传媒的复制    1
2、电子产品的复制    1
3、社交软件的复制    1
(二)复制营销模式遇高速发展时期    2
1、复制营销模式变为走向成功的“捷径”    2
2、复制营销模式已成为中国法律的盲区    2
二、腾讯公司的成功复制营销模式    3
(一)腾讯复制的网络游戏    3
1、CF(腾讯公司) Copy  CS (Valve Software公司)    3
2、QQ炫舞(腾讯公司) Copy 劲舞团(Entertainment公司)    3
(二)腾讯复制的手机游戏    3
1、天天酷跑(腾讯公司)Copy 逃离神庙(Imangi工作室)    3
2、天天连萌(腾讯公司)Copy 连连看    3
(三)复制营销模式给腾讯带来的问题    4
1、对自身的影响    4
(1)对自身战略的影响    4
(2)对用户群体的影响    5
(3)对自身竞争力的影响    5
2、对整个行业的影响    6
三、腾讯公司的复制营销模式的弊端    8
(一)过度依赖客户平台    8
1、对新客户确少吸引力    8
2、用户低龄化    8
(二)缺乏产品的实质性创新    9
1、利用客户平台优势蚕食创新市场    9
2、并不是所有模仿都能成功    9
3、无法成为市场真正的主导者    10
四、腾讯复制模式提供的经验    11
(一)中国互联网行业何去何从    11
1、中国互联网发展的阶段    11
2、中国互联网开放平台    11
3、移动互联网时代到来    12 腾讯复制模式的营销策略研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_15329.html