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时间:2018-04-29 13:40来源:毕业论文

关键词  可靠性;DEEG;错误控制;无线传感器网络
Title         On Reliable transfer of DEEG protocol                                    
Many sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks require collecting the whole data from nodes. However, transfer on Wireless Sensor Networks is not reliable. Affected by the external environment, communication links and topology in WSNs are unstable. And Sensor nodes can die easily. These make the research of reliability on WSNs different from traditional Internet. This paper study the factors affecting the reliability of transfer on the WSNs, based on a distributed energy-efficient data gathering and aggregation protocol--DEEG. Also, this paper proposes a scheme to raise the reliability of WSNs depending on information redundancy like retransmission and erasure codes. Later, I analyzed the scheme through the simulation and I put the emphasis on the effect of the “Cache Node”. The result of the simulation proved that putting the “Cache Node” in the link and using the erasure codes can raise the reliability of WSNs effectively.
Keywords  reliability;DEEG;error control;wireless sensor networks
目   次
1    引言    1
1.1  无线传感器网络概述    1
1.2  影响WSNs可靠性因素    1
2  分簇路由协议    3
2.1  分簇路由协议简介    3
2.2  分簇路由协议特点    3
3  可靠性机制分析    5
3.1  概述    5
3.2  链路层的数据重传    5
3.3  纠删码机制    6
3.4  可靠性方案的制定    10
4  可靠性方案实现与验证    13
4.1  仿真参数    13
4.2  网络模型    13
4.3  算法描述    14
4.4  算法流程图    15
4.5  算法伪代码    16
5  结果评估    20
结论    49
致谢    50
参考文献    51
附  录    53
表1(70,1)    53
表2(70,10)    53
表3(70,20)    54
表4(70,30)    55
表5(70,40)    56
表6(70,50)    56
表7(70,60)    57
表8(70,70)    58
表9(70,80)    59
表10(70,90)    60
表11(70,100)    61
表12(100,1)    62
表13(100,10)    63 DEEG协议数据可靠性传输研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_14463.html