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时间:2023-02-05 10:02来源:毕业论文


Abstract Eschool includes web management system and android app two parts。 Eschool is an development for college students on trading second-hand goods。 It replace the traditional Campus flea market, transfer the second hand trade from below-the-line to on-line, and it save much time, that’s means you can buy second-hands goods just by your phone。
   Eschool System use Tomcat as the server, and MySQL as the database。 The Web System is the traditional mode B/S, and the main technologic is JSP, Servlet and so on; The Android part is the C/S mode, and the main technologic is Activity, Fragment, Listview, Intent and so on。 And, both the mode of Web and Android are the popular  mode MVC。
   The paper is pided into 6 parts。 The first part introduction, mainly introduce the development background and significance of the system。 The Second Part System feasibility analysis, Mainly from the demand feasibility analysis and technical feasibility analysis of the two major aspects of the development of the system to analyze the feasibility of the system。 The third part main architecture of the system, mainly analysis the advantages and disadvantages of C/S mode and B/S mode, as well as the realization of C/S and B/S mode in this system。 The Fourth part The detail design of the system, mainly introduce the function of every module; The Fifth Part The Realization of the System, mainly introduce the design of database, and the detail of every moudle’s realization。 The Sixth Part System testing and maintenance, briefly introduce the overview of testing, and simple case of this system error。
Keywords: Commodity; JSP; Servlet; B/S; C/S
第一章 绪论   1
1。1 背景   1
1。2 本系统的意义   1
1。3 本章小结   2
第二章 系统可行性分析   3
2。1 系统的设计目标   3
2。2二手校园系统的需求可行性分析   3
2。3 技术可行性分析   4
2。4 可行性分析总结   6
2。5 本章小结   6
第三章 系统主要体系结构   7
3。1 基于B/S和C/S的体系结构   7
3。2  B/S和C/S的体系结构的特点   7
3。2。1  B/S结构优点:   7
3。2。2  B/S结构缺点:   7 移动终端和WEB的校园二手市场交易网络平台系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_133861.html