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时间:2023-01-30 21:48来源:毕业论文

摘  要多年以来,信息技术和计算机网络发展迅速,在我们生活中有很多接触图像信息的机会。在生活中经常需要使用这些图像,因此人们需要高效率的方式,从图像库中获取所期望得到图像。
毕业论文关键词: 图像检索;颜色特征;颜色直方图;相似距离

Abstract In recent years, information technology and computer internet is developing  fast, there are many opportunities for us to encounter the image information in our lives。 We have to use those pictures sometimes, so that people need an efficient way to get the pictures which they want。
   Therefore, how to get the picture quickly and accurately aroused people's interest 。 Based on this concept, people have done continuous exploration, they pay attention to the several aspects of image features。 For example, they look for image depend on the color of pictures。 And for texture characteristics, they look for pictures depend on the fringe 。 All of this form the Content-based image retrieval technology。 Between all of the characteristics, the color is the most direct characteristics to arose people's attention 。 It's application is being used widely。
   This paper focuses on the color characteristics, and make an effecting retrieval system based on color feature。 Choose the color histogram-based approach as basic method。 It is important to select the color space。 Because HSV color model comform to the human eye perceives, so we choose it。 We use non-intervals method to form a feature vector in the quantization part。 At last similarity measure function is being used to retrieve the target image。
Key words: Image retrieval, Color features, Color histogram, Similarity distance   
目  录
第一章 绪论   1
1。1 基于内容的图像检索的概念   1
1。2 课题背景及研究意义   1
1。3 图像检索的定义和分类   2
1。4 图像检索的发展过程   2
1。5基于内容的图像检索技术研究的特点和主要应用   3
1。6 图像检索所面临的问题   5
1。7本文的研究内容和组织结构   6
第二章 基于颜色特征的图像检索系统   7
2。1 色彩模型   7
2。1。1 三原色颜色空间   7
2。1。2 HSV颜色空间   8
2。1。3 YUV颜色空间   9
2。1。4 RGB转化为HSV   9
2。2 颜色量化   10
2。3 颜色特征的提取方法   11
2。3。1 颜色直方图   12 基于颜色特征的图像检索系统研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_131032.html