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时间:2023-01-28 10:25来源:毕业论文


Abstract  The main researching contents of this subjects is how to develop aconvenient online supermarket based on Android system, with the development of the society, people more and more high to the requirement of quality of life, we need a system to help people realize the convenient life。 In this supermarket sales system, pided into client and background managment system of two parts。 The client supply users managment system of two parts。 The client supply users, features include, registeredlogin, supermarket information view, my order, modify persional information, my collection, project list, modify the password。 Supply the administrator USERS the management system, its main functions include: the login function, commodity management, category, project manageent, transaction manageent, user management functions。
The implementation of this system is based on the Android online supermarket manage system, using the development environment is MYECLIPSE, major studio development background, datebase, level 1 client is mobile terminal three parts。 The background of the development using the object-oriented Java language, the writing of the database is to use assembly language, which the development is also using Java, just more added android method, more useof the framework in the android development。

Keywords: Android system; Supermarket management; Database MySQL


第一章 绪论   1
1。1课题背景   1
1。2研究现状   1
1。3选题意义   2
第二章 系统需求分析   3
2。1  可行性分析   3
2。2  使用例图   4
第三章 系统设计   6
3。1  功能模块设计   6
3。2  数据库概念结构设计   6
3。3  数据库逻辑结构设计   7
第四章 系统实现   10
4。1  系统实现技术基础   10
4。1。1  Java技术介绍   10
4。1。2  Eclipse平台   10
4。1。3  Android工程   11
4。2  用户登录   13
4。3  后台基本操作   15
4。3。1  商品管理   16
4。3。2  类别管理   16
4。3。3  专题管理   17
4。3。4  交易管理   17
4。3。5  用户管理   18
4。4  客户端功能   19
4。4。1  超市信息查看   19
4。4。2  我的订单   20 Android移动终端的网上便利超市系统设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_130284.html