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时间:2023-01-25 11:32来源:毕业论文

摘   要为了解决当下软件性能不足造成的用户体验低下的问题,我们设计并实现了这款安卓系统性能测试工具,以帮助开发者对软件的性能进行评估,从而为软件的性能优化提供建议。




AbstractIn order to solve the current software performance problems caused by poor user experience, we design and realize the Android system performance testing tool, to help developers of software evaluate the performance of the software, in order to provide suggestions for the optimization of the performance of the software。

The system is based on the structure of Client/Server。 The client monitors application performance parameters: CPU usage, CPU frequency, battery temperature, battery power, combing with the results of the data server test results to come to the conclusion of software performance。 The server uses SQLSERVER as database platform, as well as IIS as application server, and access the database through the C#。 In data exchange, the server access SQLSERVERSQL to add and query data through the C#, and then use WebService to achieve the data exchange between client and server。 

The client mainly includes the software performance chart analysis interface and the cloud data contrast interface。 The developers can intuitively see the performance parameters of the curves in the chart analysis interface, they can also see the statistics derived from the data。 In the cloud data comparison interface, they can see the average data for all tests and the data currently tested。 The article describes the system’s development process in detail and gives the final using interface diagrams, we also verify the reliability and correctness of the tool by experiments。

Keywords: Android, Process, CPU, WebService

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 课题背景 1

1。2 研究内容 1

第二章 可行性分析 2

2。1 相关技术 2

2。1。1 Android简介 2


2。2 技术分析 6

2。2。1 服务器 6

2。2。2 进程和线程 6

2。2。3 WebService 7

2。2。4 三层架构 8

3。1需求分析 9

3。2  系统目标 10

3。3  系统结构 10

3。4  系统功能设计 11

3。4。1  数据库设计 C#+sqlserver安卓系统性能测试工具的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_128862.html
