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时间:2023-01-08 14:48来源:毕业论文




Abstract With the development of enterprise information, enterprise internal purchasing management system has become increasingly important, and the previous manual management practices due to low efficiency, high labor costs, is no longer suitable for the modern enterprise。

This system is mainly through the B / S architecture design, development tools MyEclipse, Tomcat server set up, the background logic integrated Struts2,, Hibernate, Spring three framework for management, front-end compared with the background by JSP technology, and combined with Mysql database development 。 The entire system covers the basic procurement record browsing, to develop and approve procurement plans, purchase order submission and modifications, the basic functions of inquiry and the development, supplier management, procurement pricing。 By using this software, the company's supply manager and buyer can strengthen exchanges and business processes between each other。 With this user-friendly operation, so that both the procurement plans, or purchase order application and approval have become more convenient。 All inefficient labor, waste, mutual restraint between suppliers and buyers to eliminate factors that purpose in order to expand the effective output of the supply chain。 At the same time, the system also concurrently with the staff of the Ministry of Supply basic information, basic business content management system, making maintenance time buyer, administrators can the basic information systems within the buyer can be modified。

Keywords: Purchasing Management; JSP; B / S Architecture; Mysql


第一章 绪论 1

1。1课题背景 1

1。2国内外研究现状 2

1。3本文的主要工作 2

1。4本文的结构 3

第二章 关键技术和开发环境 4

2。1关键技术 4

2。2。1 JSP 4

2。2。2 JavaScript 5

2。2开发工具 5

2。2。1 MyEclipse 5

2。2。2 Tomcat 6

2。2。3 Mysql 6

2。3开发环境,运行环境需求 6

2。3。1开发环境 jsp+mysql上汽集团采购管理系统设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122041.html
