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时间:2017-06-22 16:56来源:毕业论文

Research on the impact of the Chinese enterprise performance
After the reform and opening up foreign-funded enterprises
Since the reform and opening up, a large number of foreign enterprises in China, to our country enterprise to bring a positive role in promoting also had a negative impact, therefore also affects two aspects to our country enterprise performance. How will positively influence into the enterprise impetus to improve performance, avoid the negative impact of unfavorable factors of China enterprises are facing important issues of international competition. Through analyzing the influence of foreign enterprises on the performance of Chinese enterprises, in view of the production reason and the solution method is researched, and find out the nature of this phenomenon, and put forward rational proposals and effective operation way for the development of China's enterprises, promote the steady improvement in the performance of Chinese enterprises, to ensure the healthy development of China's enterprises.
Keywords: Foreign enterprises, Chinese enterprises, Performance
 目    录
一、绪论    2
(一)背景    2
(二)研究意义    2
(三)研究方法和目的    3
二、国外企业对我国企业影响    4
(一)国外企业对中国企业绩效的正面影响    4
1、外企为中国训练了大批优秀的人才    4
2、外企促进管理方式的提升    4
3、外企带来了诚信守法的经营典范    5
4、外企带来了回馈社会的典范    5
5、通过理性竞争带动了中国企业营运环境的进步    6
(二)国外企业对中国企业绩效的负面影响    6
1、外商投资引起了某些行业的垄断    6
2、外资加剧了国内市场竞争    6
3、加剧了人才竞争和高端人才的短缺    7
4、加工贸易比重过大给我国高新技术产业发展带来的不利影响    7
三、外资企业对中资企业的具体影响    9
(一)对绩效考核的影响    9
(二)对人力资源的影响    9
(三)对我国企业产品、技术创新的影响    9
(四)对产品升级的影响    9
(五)对技术革新的影响    10
(优尔)对我国企业市场占有率的影响    10
(七)对我国企业出口贸易的影响    10
(八)对我国企业开发海外市场的影响    11
(九)对零售行业的影响    11
1、加剧零售行业的竞争    11
2、提高当地民众生活水平    11
3、促进零售市场规模化发展    12
四、针对外资影响我国企业应采取的措施    13
(一)注重品牌建设    13
(二)不断加大研发力度    13 改革开放后外资企业对中资企业的绩效影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_9643.html