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时间:2022-07-02 09:15来源:毕业论文



Analysis on the Current Situation, Problems, Countermeasures of China Auto P arts Export

Abstract:In recent years, the development trend of the automobile industry is rapid and rapid, the most obvious impact is the auto parts industry。 Auto parts exports in the automotive exports accounted for a dominant position, occupies a large proportion of the relevant data show that China's auto parts in 2016 the amount of exports reached 64。573 billion US dollars, a very substantial data, a good proof China's rapid development of parts and components industry。China's auto parts industry has experienced a never to go to the country out of the long process, but also reflects the comprehensive strength of China in the slowly upgrade。 Rapid development and development is getting better and better at the same time, there are a series of obstacles to China's parts industry development and upgrading of the problem。 This article will analyze the status of domestic parts exports and the existing problems, to explore the problem-solving methods and strategies to deal with。

Key Words: auto parts;export;Strategies


绪论 1

一、中国汽车工业发展现状 2

(一)中国汽车产量快速增长 2

(二)中国乘用车产销量所占比重大 3

二、中国汽车零部件行业的外部环境分析 5

(一)有利因素 6

1、本国的扶持条例政策逐步推出 5

2、市场环境因零部件行业独立出来而变好 5

3、新的排放标准让供应商有更多的市场机会 5

4、产业的转移会制造出更多的财富机遇 6

(二)不利因素 6

1、对汽车的需求会因限购令的实施而被抑制 6

2、中国交通堵塞的情况愈来愈严峻 6

3、行业模式因纯电动汽车的出现而遭受重创 7

三、中国汽车行业的零配件出口近况 8

(一)出口规模 8

(二)出口类别 8

(二)出口国家 9

四、中国汽车零部件出口中所存在的问题 10

(一)零部件的出口结构不平衡 10

(二)产品出口到相对固定的国家 10

(三)物流、售后等要求无法达到国家的标准 中国汽车零部件出口现状问题及对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_95790.html
