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时间:2022-05-11 23:32来源:毕业论文

摘 要:中国丝绸业在国际上享有盛誉,但发展上仍有诸多问题。面对市场上的激烈竞争,各地区丝绸企业只有在激烈的竞争中逆流而上才能生存下去。



Abstract: China's silk industry enjoys high reputation in the world, but there are still many problems in its development。 In the face of fierce competition in the market, the only area of silk enterprises in the fierce competition in the upstream to survive。

This paper analysis the status of the silk industry in Suzhou, in Suzhou silk industry product structure of analysis and summary, encountered by the Suzhou silk industry in the industrial chain will raw material cocoon production problems, and commodity production persity issues and the latter part of the propaganda of the problems are analyzed, and on the existing problems, starting from the perspective of product persification, to the question of how to improve the quality of raw material cocoon, how to improve the capability of independent innovation and publicity on the analysis solution。

Keywords: silk industry, industrial structure, forces of production

目  录

1  引言 3

文献综述 3

3  丝绸行业发展的现状 4

3。1 丝绸行业的发展历程 4

3。2  苏州丝绸行业发展现状分析 5

4  苏州丝绸产业存在的问题 5

4。1  产品结构单一 6

4。2  蚕茧产量波动大 7

4。3  缺乏自主品牌,新产品开发过程缓慢 7

4。4  市场份额比例下降 8

5  针对苏州丝绸产业面临的问题采取的措施 8

5。1  提高创新能力,促进产品的多元化发展 8

5。2  推进蚕桑基地建设,稳定蚕茧产量 8

5。3  创立自主品牌,积极研发新产品 9

5。4  加大宣传,提高地区竞争力 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1  引言


随着蚕桑技术的进步,中国丝绸有过短暂的辉煌。不但丝绸的花色品种有明显的增加,特别是出现了宋锦、丝和饰金织物三种有特色的新品种,而且对蚕桑生产技术的总结和推广也取得了很大的突破。 苏州丝绸业现状与对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_93735.html
