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时间:2017-06-06 20:57来源:毕业论文

欧债危机至今已经持续了 20 多个月,危机并没有像人们所期盼的渐渐逝去,而是紧紧依附在欧洲经济机体之上,警示了国家过度举债的风险。葡萄牙、西班牙、意大利等国同样正在走着和希腊相似的行程。当第一张牌倒下的时候,也是第二张、第三张倒牌的启动,欧元区有可能在这场危机中付出更多代价。欧洲主权债务危机作为次贷危机的延伸和深化,是本轮西方金融危机的重要组成部分。论文分析了欧洲债务危机的原因与影响,认为欧债危机的扩散机制主要表现为以下方面:债务水平恶化后的紧缩带来经济增长的进一步下降,经济不佳引发的资金外流进一步冲击金融环境,经济、收入与就业形势的恶化引发政治动荡,一国与联盟的动摇将强化欧元区内外部信心的瓦解进程。针对当前欧区仍在发酵的危机格局,中国的企业与政府仍需保持一份冷静。9714
关键词  债务危机   主权危机   产生背景   扩散机制 Title The Background and the Diffusion Mechanism of the Euro  
Debt Crisis                                              
The European debt crisis has been more than 20 months so far. And it does
not even gradually disappear as we expected, but tightly attaches over the
European Economic Community.  It gives the warning of the too much national
borrow risk. Portugal, Spain, Italy and other countries are also on the
way similar as Greek's trip. When the first card falls, the second and third
card will begin to fall in order. The euro zone may pay more  prices in this
crisis. The European sovereign debt crisis as the deepening extension of
the subprime crisis is the important component of western financial crisis
at present.
This paper analyzed the reason and the affect of European debt crisis. It
states  the diffusion mechanism of the European debt crisis, mainly showing
as the following aspects: Tightening following deterioration of the level
of debt leads to economic growth to decline further. Moreover, an outflow
of funds triggered by economic downturn  impacts the financial environment.
The deterioration of the economy, income and employment situation triggers
political instability. In addition, a shake of a State with Union will
strengthen the process of collapse of the internal and external confidence
in the euro area. In view of the current pattern of the still fermenting
crisis, China's enterprise and Chinese government have to keep calm.    
Keywords    Debt crisis   Sovereign crisis   Background Diffusion mechanism     目   次   
1 绪论  4
1.1  选题的背景和意义„  4
1.2  文献综述之国外研究成果  4
1.3  文献综述之国内研究成果  6
2   欧债危机背景  9
2.1   事件回顾„  9
2.2   华尔街金融机构在此次事件中的角色    11
2.3   欧债危机事件中的中国身影„  13
3   欧债危机成因分析 15
3.1   外在原因„15
3.2   内在原因„16
3.3   根本原因„18
4   欧债危机的扩散机制分析„20
4.1   欧债危机第一阶段„20
4.2   欧债危机第二阶段„21
4.3   欧债危机第三阶段„22 欧债危机的产生背景与扩散机制:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_8522.html