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时间:2021-11-09 21:30来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:中韩文化贸易 发展策略 贸易逆差

Analysis on the current situation of Sino Korean cultural trade and its cause

Abstract: Since China and Korea established diplomatic relations, the volume of trade between the two countries has increased year by year, however, it is a cultural trade deficit with China, and the deficit is huge。 From the perspective of improving China's international trade, it is of great practical significance to study the cultural products trade between China and South Korea, and to analyze the deep causes of the deficit。 This paper starts with the research on the development of Sino Korean cultural trade, based on the analysis of the trade situation between China and Korea in the cultural industry and the development of cultural industry, tries to find out the main reasons for the trade deficit between China and Korea, and proposes the corresponding dealing strategies, In order to provide theoretical basis for improving the influence of Chinese cultural products。

Keywords:  Sino Korean cultural trade ; development strategy; trade deficit 


前言 1

一、基本概念 2

(一) 文化贸易的概念 2

(二)当今世界文化贸易的地位 2

二、中韩两国文化贸易发展现状比较 3

(一)中国文化贸易发展现状 3

(二)韩国文化贸易发展现状 4

(三)中国对韩国文化贸易长期处于逆差 4

1、影视贸易的比较 5

2、图书音像贸易的比较 7

3、游戏贸易的比较 8

三、中国对韩文化贸易逆差原因分析 10

(一)韩方原因 10

1、推出“文化立国”方针,推进文化产业发展规划 10

2、限制外国文化产品进口 10

3、完善的人力资源培训体系 10

4、充分利用媒体的高效作用,构筑海外营销网络体系 11

(二)中方原因 11

1、文化产业发展起步晚,法律制度不健全 11

2、缺乏核心文化产品和品牌效应 12

3、国家不重视文化产品出口 12

四、促进中国文化贸易发展的策略 13

(一)加快法律建设,政府大力推动 13

(二)实施文化产业品牌战略,提升国际竞争力 13 中韩文化贸易发展现状及原因分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_84619.html
