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时间:2021-06-10 23:00来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:黄金汇管制 ;政策效果;博弈模型

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Vietnam regulation of gold market and its effect


Gold is a special commodity in the world , because it has both product attributes and monetary attributes. Gold market is an essential part of the financial market, its continuous development and improvement make financial market a profit as well as make the entire national economy more stable, gold control policies are designed to make the market develop more healthy and balance with capital markets ,currency exchange ect and then make national economic develop.Vietnam current gold policies have some problems such as the central bank too deeply involved in the market,it has been not only manager but also participant.This tries to use game model to analyze the Vietnamese gold control policy effect and then found that although the current policy have good results but the policy itself is not complete,there are some aspects that it can't not take into account,so Vietnam gold control policy should be further improved.. 

Key words: regulation of gold market;policy effect;game model

目   次

1 引言.1

2 文献综述1

2.1 黄金管制及其产生与演变. 1

2.2 黄金管制模式4

2.3 越南金融改革及黄金管制面临的困难.4

2.4 中国黄金管制的经验5

2.5 本章小结.7

3 越南黄金市场总体情况7

3.1 黄金市场简介7

3.2 越南黄金市场的产生及发展9

3.3 越南当前黄金市场突出的问题11

3.4 本章小结13

4 越南黄金管制政策13

4.1 黄金市场重建的政策..13

4.2 越南黄金市场放松管制的政策14

4.3 越南黄金市场收紧管制的政策15

4.4 本章小结16

5 越南黄金管制政策效果..16

5.1 博弈模型16

5.2 博弈结果19

5.3 博弈结果的含义20

5.4 本章小结22




1  引言


自从改革开放以来,越南政府对于黄金交易进行监督管理并且取得一定的成功。然而国内黄金市场与世界上其他国家比起来比较落后,主要是实物黄金不过也存在多个难以解决的问题。其现状主要有:缺乏合理科学的管理机制,缺乏黄金经营管理方面人才,缺乏创新能力。几年前在越南也有黄金交易所但是由于缺乏机制导致交易混乱,于是央行颁布命令”2009年12月30日以前所有黄金交易所停止交易“。近期央行对以黄金市场干涉的力度加大:垄断进出口销售黄金,提高了行业门槛,进行品牌垄断,考虑对黄金征收消费税(24号决议)。国内的黄金价比世界贵得多,大概差价是150美元/盎司,而政府禁止进口黄金使得走私黄金频频出现。黄金留在老百姓手中相当大估计为400吨没能投入与经济生产中。 越南黄金市场管制及政策效果:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_76677.html
