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时间:2021-04-20 21:00来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  上证A股指数;上证B股指数;汇率;协整检验;Granger因果检验

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Analysis of the correlation between RMB exchange rate and stock price -- Based on empirical econometric model                                         


Both Foreign exchange market and the stock market are important parts of the financial markets, while the exchange rate and stock prices are the most important financial variables.From the practice of countries all over the world, the changes of foreign exchange rate and the fluctuations of stock price have emerged  highly related phenomena.Regarding of the Wall Street financial crisis spreading to the global financial market in 2008,it is significant to study the  relationship of RMB exchange rate and China's stock market price and to explore the correlation between foreign exchange market and the Chinese stock market.Based on the study, we can guard against international financial risks, deepen exchange rate system reform and improve the financial market mechanism.Based on the econometric model,this article makes empirical analysis for the linkage between Shanghai A Share Index、Shanghai B Share Index and the middle exchange rate of RMB against dollar.And conclude that:Shanghai A Share Index and exchange rate are co-integrated and bidirectional causality;however,Shanghai B Share Index and exchange rate are not co-integrated and single causality.Then,the  

article gives reasonable explanation of empirical results.

Keywords  Shanghai A Share Index;Shanghai B Share Index;exchange rate;cointegration test;Granger causality test 

目   次

1  引言…1

  2  文献回顾 2

3  研究方法…4 

3.1  平稳性检验(单位根检验) 4

3.2  协整检验与误差修正模型   5

3.3  向量自回归模型 … 6

3.4  Granger因果关系检验  6

4  数据选择与处理 … 8

4.1  数据选择 8

4.2  数据剔除与处理   8

4.3  数据描述统计分析 8

5  实证检验与分析讨论9 

5.1  数据平稳性检验(单位根检验) 9

5.2  协整关系检验 … 10

5.3  模型估计 … 12

5.4  Granger因果关系检验  …16

5.5  实证结果分析  … 18

  结论 … 21

致谢 22


1  引言

    外汇市场和股票市场是金融市场的重要组成部分,两者之间的相互影响一直备受人们的关注。特别是在经济全球化、金融一体化程度日益加深,金融市场之间的联动关系越发紧密的格局下。金融市场的联动性被普遍认为是金融风险传导的重要根源,新兴市场国家20 世纪 90 年代以来爆发的一系列金融危机成为了很好的例证,其以汇率市场和股票市场相继崩溃为主要特征,这也引起了国内外学者以及金融监管部门对汇市与股市之间的互动关系的持续关注。 计量模型的实证检验人民币汇率与股票价格相关性分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_73685.html
