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时间:2021-04-19 20:52来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:国有企业  美国   直接投资 


毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title:The State-owned Enterprises to Carry out Direct Investment in the United

       States Problems Countermeasures


The rapid development of the global economic environment changes , the increasingly fierce market competition and internationalization , the development of Chinese state-owned enterprises made more challenging . the development of state-owned enterprises has been a gradual path of development persist , the entire system of state-owned enterprises is an accompanying change in China's economic system reform and adjustment in the course of development . With the increasing openness , China has gradually recognized that the blind pursuit of foreign investment over the past one-sidedness of practice , foreign direct investment and start using this approach to develop the international market . As the world's largest economy , U.S. has strong economic strength and broad market , open this market , it opened the gateway to the world . Therefore, the United States is bound to become China's foreign direct investment in preferred country . In the past ten years , Although the Chinese direct investment in the United States in the "going out" strategy under the guidance achieved outstanding results, but still had a lot of complex difficulties, there are many problems.

Keywords : State-owned enterprises  United States  Direct Investment

目  次

1   引言 .1

2   我国国有企业的发展2

2.1 国有企业的定义与内涵2

2.2 我国国有企业的发展现状4

2.3 我国国有企业发展中存在的问题5

2.4 我国国有企业展开对外直接投资的必要性7

2.5 我国国有企业对外直接投资的现状9

3   我国国有企业在美国市场的对外直接投资的案例分析.12

3.1 成功的案例.12

3.2 失败的案例 13

3.3 成功与失败的经验和教训.17

4   我国国有企业在美国市场直接投资的发展战略.19

4.1 国有企业对美国直接投资的动因分析.19

4.2 国有企业对美国直接投资的战略创新.20

结论 . 23

致谢  .24

参考文献  .25

1  引言

    改革开放三十年来,中国对外直接投资在“走出去”发展战略的指引下,取得了突出的成绩。 随着我国经济体制改革的深入,现代企业制度的逐渐形成,所有权与经营权的分离,国有企业拥有了更大的经营自主权,为其发展提供了更大的舞台,特别是在对外投资方面,一些国企能够审时度势,抓住时机,通过联营、合资、投资控股、参股、甚至海外投资等投资形式,扩大业务和经营规模,创造了较大的经济效益,保证了企业的持续发展和国有资本的保值、增值。 我国国有企业在美国展开直接投资存在的问题对策探析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_73594.html
