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时间:2020-08-26 21:13来源:毕业论文
文化消费增长的不断发展, 成为拉动文化产业发展的主要动力, 将助推文化产业成为中国国民经济的支柱产业;文化体制改革和文化政策的不断深化改革, 为文化消费和文化生产提供了更

摘要:随着江苏经济的不断发展,人均收入水平也不断提高,其消费结构也发生了翻天覆地的改变。文化产业作为满足人民精神需求的物质越来越受到重视,已成为我省经济发展的重要组成部分。文化消费与文化产业存在的相互作用微妙的影响了居民的生活关系,两者之间的关系主要体现在:文化消费对文化产业发展的决定性作用,文化消费整体的发展程度变相的体现出文化产业的发展现状;文化产业对文化消费具有反作用,文化产业的发展水平又决定了文化消费的发展趋向。文化消费增长的不断发展, 成为拉动文化产业发展的主要动力, 将助推文化产业成为中国国民经济的支柱产业;文化体制改革和文化政策的不断深化改革, 为文化消费和文化生产提供了更多的发展机会、条件和保障。本文具体分析了江苏省的文化消费和文化产业的现状,总结发现两者之间存在的互动关系。54974

毕业论文关键词:文化消费, 江苏文化产业, 互动关系

Abstract:With the continuous development of jiangsu economy, the Per capita income level has been improved. The change of the consumption structure have also been proud mansion. As a cultural industry with more attention paid to the people's spiritual demand to meet the material.As an important part of economic development in our province. Cultural consumption and cultural industry interaction subtle influence the relationship between the people's life. The relationship between the two is mainly manifested in:Cultural consumption decisive role to the development of cultural industry. The development of cultural consumption overall degree of cultural industry development present situation. Culture industry to cultural consumption has the opposite effect. The development of cultural industry level and determines the trend of cultural consumption. Cultural consumption become the main power drive the development of cultural industry. Boost the culture industry become the pillar industry of national economy in China. Reform of cultural system and the deepening reform of cultural policy, cultural consumption and cultural production provides more opportunities for development, conditions, and security. This paper analyzes the present situation of cultural consumption and cultural industry in jiangsu province. Concluded that the interaction between both.

Keywords:Cultural consumption,Jiangsu cultural industry, interaction.

目  录

一、引言 5

二、文化消费与文化产业的内涵 5

三、文化消费对文化产业的作用 6

   (一)消费结构的转变是文化产业形成和发展的源泉  6

   (二)文化消费能力的增强带动文化产业的蓬勃发展  7

   (三)文化消费的多样性需求决定文化产业的多样化发展态势  8

四、文化产业对文化消费具有反作用 9

    (一)文化产业具有经济增长功能 9

    (二)文化产业具有意识形态功能 9





2012年全国“两会”的报告中,温家宝总理曾指出 “要大力加强文化建设,促进文化大发展大繁荣,要提供优质丰富的文化产品、推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业”[1]。“文化产业”在两会的频繁出现,使各地更加注重文化产业方面的提案。在“十二五”的开局之年,江苏省提出把“文化更繁荣”看做首要目标,把“文化建设”列为基本工作任务完成,致力打造文化强省。“我省通过不断实现文化产业大繁荣,满足人民日益增长的精神文化需求。并计划到2015 年全省文化产业总收入超过1 万亿元,增加值占GDP 的比重超过6%,成为江苏经济的支柱产业”[2] 。 江苏文化消费与文化产业关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_59229.html
