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时间:2020-08-20 20:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In recent years, Huaian city economic, political, and social development, particularly in the real estate market development situation, this paper focuses on the effects of the process of interaction of city and the real estate market is studied. Huaian in the new situation, the development of urbanization thorough research has far-reaching significance for the healthy development of Huaian real estate market, how to solve the contradiction of land, population is that Huaian is the key urbanization modernization, promote the orderly. Through the analysis and Study on the urbanization that city, and the Huaian real estate market interaction, complementary relationship, reasonable city development planning and good order of real estate is one of the important factors which promote economic take-off.

Key words:urbanization,Huaian real estate market,influence research


1  前言 2

2  城市化和城镇化的区别与关系 2

2.1  城市化与城镇化的概念 2

2.1.1  什么是城市化 2

2.1.2  什么是城镇化 2

2.2  城市化和城镇化的区别 2

2.3  城市化和城镇化的关系 2

3  淮安房地产市场概况(城市化进程) 2

3.1  淮安房地产市场目前概况 2

4  城市化进程的本质 2

5  为什么要进行城市化 2

6  城市化与房地产市场的关系 2

7  城市化面临的挑战 2

7.1  城市财富积累速率与民生幸福要求的不同步。 2

7.2  城市规模快速扩张与要素集约水平的不匹配。 2

7.3  城市规模的适度控制与流动人口的过分集聚的不协调。 2

7.4  城市化高速发展与现代城市管理水平的不适应。 2

8  淮安未来房地产市场走向 13

结论 2

参考文献 2

致谢 2

1  前言

随着我国经济的迅速发展,房地产行业迅猛腾飞,城市面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,然而我国许多城市规划相对滞后、布局混乱、房屋破旧、居住拥挤、交通阻塞、环境污染、公共设施落后、城市绿地遭受严重破坏等问题,原有的城市格局已经与现代社会发展不相适应,要解决这些问题,就必须进行城市化发展。各地政府为了更好的进行城市化发展,改善城市布局,促进城市规划的合理有序,就必须对农村土地进行合理的征收和布局。 城市化对淮安房地产市场的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_58765.html
