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时间:2020-07-15 20:53来源:毕业论文

摘要: 20世纪中后期,我国的改革开放政策影响着经济贸易的方方面面,受此影响,加工贸易也得到了长足的发展,不仅获得了更多的关注,在对外贸易的过程中也扮演着其不容忽视的角色。加工贸易和物流运输息息相关,因此,加工贸易对物流方面的也更加重视,对物流方面的标准和要求也不断提高。如何同步提高自身物流的综合能力成为物流运输企业的重中之重。在全球经济贸易一体化的推动下,我国物流业也逐渐对外开放,这使得国内外物流业交流日益增多。我国的保税物流也朝着越来越有生机的方向发展,不论是在类型上还是功能上,向着我国加工贸易贸易转型大战略的方向不断发展。本论文首先从保税物流中心的概念、类型和功能进行了简单论述,在此基础上,对西部保税物流中心进行研究并结合实际案例浅析西部地区保税物流中心对国际贸易的作用,以期给予企业较为完备的分析,并帮助其更好的了解,从而结合自身情况对相关保税物流业务进行参照。在本文的最后,初步展望和探讨了关于保税物流未来的发展。 52419

毕业论文关键词: 保税物流中心,国际贸易,西部保税物流区,自由贸易区

The role of Western bonded logistics center in international trade

Abstract:At the end of the 70s of last century, namely since the reform and opening up China's processing trade gradually with the profound development, and in China's foreign trade occupies an important and main position. At the same time, it in the needs and demands of the logistics standard also gradually becomes higher. At the same time, China's accession to the world trade organization, the domestic logistics industry to open up the situation so that the domestic logistics industry and the international convergence speed is more and more fast. Under such background, China's bonded logistics in enterprise investment, regional economy toward more and more vitality direction, regardless of is in type or function, toward our processing trade transformation the strategic direction of development. This paper first from the concept, types and functions of bonded logistics center are briefly, on the basis of by of bonded logistics center in the western region and actual case study of the western region bonded logistics center of international trade role, so that enterprises can have a more systematic understanding on bonded logistic flow, and according to their own actual situation reference can be used bonded logistics business. At the end of this paper, a preliminary outlook and Discussion on the future development of bonded logistics is discussed. 

Keywords: Bonded Logistics Center; international trade; Western bonded logistics zone; 


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iv

一、 绪论 1

·(一)研究背景 1

     1、研究目的和意义 1

     2、研究方法和论文结构 1

·(二)文献综述 2

   1、基础概念、理论 2

   2、我国保税物流中心的发展 2

   3、西部地区保税物流现状 2

   4、我国保税物流的未来发展 3

二、 保税物流中心概述 西部保税物流中心对国际贸易的的作用:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_56300.html
