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时间:2020-06-19 19:20来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:互联网金融 互联网金融监管 问题 对策

Problems and countermeasures of the Internet financial regulation

 Abstract:With the continuous development of information technology, the Internet financial gradually into our line of sight, it had a profound effect. Twelve of the second meeting offered to promote the healthy development of the Internet financial, improve the coordination mechanism, much starker choices-and graver consequences-in offered to strengthen the regulation of macro financial prudence, including the financial supervision of the Internet. All of this shows we should strengthen the financial supervision of the Internet.

This article mainly from three aspects this paper introduces the Internet financial regulation. The first part mainly introduces the present situation of the Internet financial, the Internet in China are pided into three forms: third-party payment platform, P2P lending and raise and Internet financial regulatory status and risk existing in our country. The second part introduces existing problems of the Internet financial regulation in China, mainly means, risk, credit, regulation law and institutions of these problems. The third part is aiming at the existing problem of the Internet financial regulation gives some proposed countermeasures.

Key Words:The Internet Finance  Internet financial regulation problems countermeasures


一、 引言 1

(一)选题背景 1

(二)选题意义 2

(三)文献综述 3

二、我国互联网金融监管的现状 4

(一)互联网金融的三种主要形式及监管现状 4

(二)互联网金融存在的风险 6

三、我国互联网金融监管存在的问题 7

(一)法律和监管体系不完善 8

(二)互联网金融监管手段和方式单一 8

(三)金融监管部门职责不清 8

(四)非合规运营机构增多 9

(五)信用风险积聚速度加快 9

(六)风控体系不健全 10

(七)缺乏懂得互联网技术的监管人才 10

四、我国互联网金融监管的完善对策 10

(一)建立和完善互联网金融监管法律体系 10

(二)建立互联网金融监管的专门机构 11

(三)对金融监管进行创新 互联网金融监管的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_54729.html
