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时间:2020-04-15 20:58来源:毕业论文


Abstract :Rare-earths as “industrial vitamins” are important strategic resources. China is a major exporter of rare-earths but lack the pricing power. To this end China has adopted a series of trade barriers to restrict exports of rare-earths but finally lead to WTO sanctions.In this context, this paper attempts to analyze the impact of trade barriers on rare-earth market forces, and how to establish the market power of China’s rare-earths after canceling the policy. Firstly, we review the relevant literature and summarize them. Then the status of China's exports of rare-earths are analyzed and found that China's rare-earth export price varies from different policies.In the fourth part of this article we assess the rare earth market forces. Preliminary analysis of rare-earths’ market structure ,we find China as the biggest exporter in rare-earth has a "oligopoly" status.But whether it has market power must be further examined. Preprocessing the China's rare-earth exports by volume and world prices data with unit root and co-integration test, and then discovered by Granger causality test that China's rare-earth export volume is not the world's rare-earth prices Granger. From 2008 to 2014, world prices have been driven by changes in China's rare-earth prices , indicating the presence of China’s pricing power. In 2008 China issued a rare-earth export quota control policy, in order to examine whether the barriers have a impact on rare-earth’s price, we further have a Chow point mutation test. Finally we draw a conclusion that quota , the access of industry and environmental verification regime policies and other trade barriers have a structural impact on China's rare-earth pricing. To establish the China’s rare-earth market power in the context of canceling export quota policy--oriented trade barriers ,we can  increase the market concentration, restructure industry by setting production license management、 resources and environment taxes to improve China's rare-earth market power.

毕业论文关键词:稀土出口;市场势力 ;贸易壁垒政策 

Keyword: Rare Earth Export;Market Forces; Trade barriers

目    录

1引言 4

1.1研究背景和意义 贸易壁垒政策取消背景下我国稀土出口的市场势力构建研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_49936.html
