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时间:2019-10-29 21:06来源:毕业论文
以老挝为研究对象,深刻 “一带一路”的发展战略的基础上,本篇论文的创作正是基于“一带一路”发展战略规划下展开,研究中国在此背景下对老挝经济社会发展的影响分析,从系统

摘要共同创造一个合作有序、互赢互利的合作环境是世界经济发展的主流态势。基于长远分析,中国作为世界经济发展体中的重要角色,在围绕“一带一路”的经济战略规划不懈努力,其收获的成果必将造福东盟各成员国。鉴于此,本文以老挝为研究对象,深刻 “一带一路”的发展战略的基础上,本篇论文的创作正是基于“一带一路”发展战略规划下展开,研究中国在此背景下对老挝经济社会发展的影响分析,从系统的视角分析双方经济社会发展合作的优势、明晰合作的不足、发现合作的机遇、正视双边经济发展潜在的威胁,采用理论与实践充分结合的方式,提出改善中劳双边经济社会发展的对策建议,为深化中老经济社会发展展开路径设计,该研究与双方既定发展战略一脉相承,将有利于推动中老两国经济贸易发展,为实现中老经济社会的大幅前进具有重要的现实指导意义。   41688
毕业论文关键词  一带一路  双边经济贸易  SWOT  中国  老挝 
Title    中国一路一带战略规划对老挝经济社会发展的影响分析                     
Chinese influence in Laos along the way of strategic planning for  economic and social development analysis                   
  Abstract Work together to create a cooperative and orderly, mutual win and mutually beneficial cooperation is the mainstream environmental situation of world economic development. Based on a long-term analysis, China's economic development as a world body an important role around "along the way" of economic strategy planning unremitting efforts, the results of the harvest will benefit the ASEAN Member States. In view of this, the paper Laos for the study, the foundation deep "along the way" development strategy, based on this paper is based on the creation of "along the way" development strategy to expand the study of Chinese in this context to the economic and social Laos affect the development of analysis, from the perspective of system analysis advantages of both economic and social development cooperation, lack of clear co-found opportunity to work, to face potential threats to bilateral economic development, the use of the theory and practice of fully integrated manner, proposed improving bilateral labor Suggestions economic and  social development, in order to deepen the economic and social development to expand the old path design, the research and development of the two sides established a strategic line of succession, would help promote bilateral economic and trade development  in the old, to achieve a substantial advance in the old economy and society have important The practical significance  
Keywords:one belt and one road   bilateral economic and trade  China  Laos 
目  次
1  引言    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景  .  1
1.1.2 研究意义  .  2
1.2 研究内容    3
1.3 研究方法    3
2 相关战略及理论综述  .  5
2.1“一带一路”国家战略规划解析  .  5
2.1.1 “一带一路”战略规划的必要性分析  .  5
2.1.2 “一带一路”战略实施的原则  .  6
2.1.3“一带一路”建设的主要内容    6
2.2 经济发展影响的理论分析    7
3  “一带一路”战略下中老双边经济社会发展影响分析    10 中国一路一带战略规划对老挝经济社会发展的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_41832.html