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时间:2019-07-04 13:08来源:毕业论文

The Analysis of China’s Current International Competitiveness of Absorbing Foreign Investments
    Abstract:Since the reform and opening, our country have various measures
to attract foreign investment, attracting a large number of foreign investment, greatly promoted the economic development of China. But with the changes in China’s  economic development and national conditions, China to attract foreign investment is facing new opportunities and challenges. In this paper, in order to attract foreign investment China stage of international competitiveness as the starting point, first summarizes the development situation of our country to attract foreign investment ,and then use the international competitiveness evaluation index compare with major competitors, in order to analyze the existence of China to attract foreign investment in the development of problems and deficiencies, and finally according to the present stage our country to attract foreign investment and the other main competitive countries compared to the existing problems and shortcomings, put forward countermeasure to improve the international competitiveness of China attract foreign.
    Key words: FDI in China, International Competitiveness, Evaluation Index, Suggestion
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、中国吸引外资的现状    2
(一)中国吸引外资的来源国家    2
(二)中国吸引外资的产业结构    3
(三)中国吸引外资的区域分析    5
(四)中国吸引外资的政策方针    5
二、中国现阶段吸引外资国际竞争力对比研究    6
(一)中国吸引外资的国际竞争力排名    6
(二)中国吸引外资的投资环境对比分析    9
三、提升中国引外资国际竞争力的对策    12
(一)改善投资环境    12
(二)优化产业结构,发挥第三产业吸资优势    13
(三)引资政策、制度逐步向国际规范靠拢    13
(四)加快高端技术研发和创新进程    13
参考文献    15
致谢    15
    2015年1月29日贸发会议公布的数据显示,中国已超越美国成为全球吸引外资的第一大国。外商投资也开始由发达经济体转向发展中经济体,这就为发展中国家吸引外资带来了新的机遇与挑战。随着我国国内国外经济环境的变化和对外开放程度的进一步扩大,在新的世界经济环境下,我们利用外资的方式、理念和目标也将发生新的变化。过去我国吸收外商投资的有利因素正在逐渐削弱或淡化,因此在此情况下,外商投资的发展趋势就成了国内关注的一个焦点,针对外商投资趋势以及我国国情制定一系列的吸引外商投资的方针政策就显得尤为重要。而对我国现阶段吸引外资的国际竞争力研究,将有利于认清当前中国吸引外资的优势与存在的不足,为我国吸引外资保持稳定的发展态势提供有力依据。   中国现阶段吸引外资国际竞争力研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_35378.html