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时间:2019-05-21 12:55来源:毕业论文

Multinational companies existing problems and countermeasures in the process of technology transfer to China
Abstract:In recent years, multinational companies in China to speed up the process of technology transfer, level, investment scale expand.But because there is a "dislocation" of interest, the Chinese government has adopted a policy of "exchanging market with technology" of is not on the domestic technology level and ability of independent innovation to produce ideal effect, can actually make multinational companies account for most of China's market share and many scientific research resources, deepen the dependence on foreign companies to domestic companies.Combined with the domestic enterprise technology introduction of irrationality and for the introduction of technology digestion and absorption ability is limited, can't form the virtuous cycle of "introduction, absorption, innovation".And improve these problems needs the joint efforts of the Chinese government and enterprises, such as perfecting investment policy and legal system, focusing on the introduction of technology digestion and absorption, the introduction of foreign technology suitable for Chinese market.
    Keywords:Technology transfer;Independent innovation;Investment policy;The market share
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、跨国公司对华技术转移的现状    2
(一)技术转移的力度加强    2
(二)技术转移的积极性提高    3
(三)实行梯度技术转移战略,内部化倾向加重    4
(四)跨国公司滥用专利、知识产权阻碍市场公平竞争    4
二、跨国公司对华技术转移所产生的弊端    5
(一)实行本土化战略,抢占我国科研资源    5
(二)掠夺我国的市场份额    5
(三)造成我国对跨国公司的技术依赖性    6
三、我国在技术引进过程中的不当之处    6
(一)技术引进的不合理性    6
(二)国内企业吸收能力有限    7
(三)我国知识产权、引资政策等制度不完善    8
四、我国应对跨国公司对华技术转让的对策及建议    8
(一)理性引进国外高新技术    8
(二)提升企业吸收能力,注重自主创新    9
(三)调整引资政策,完善法律制度    9
参考文献    11
致谢    12
长期以来,技术一直是我国经济增长和国际竞争力提升的主要制约因素,而我国技术自主研发和创新能力低,仅仅依靠自己的创新技术很难满足国民经济的高速发展模式。随着全球化程度不断加深,跨国公司在全球对外贸易中所占据的地位与日俱增。据联合国贸易与发展会议2004年统计数据显示,全球贸易与投资总额的60%,新技术与新工艺数量的80%都由61582家跨国公司所控制与掌握,其实现的技术转移占全球的90%,而且这个比例仍保持逐年上升的态势。因此我国政府制定并实施“以市场换技术”经济发展战略,主要方式是以让出部分国内的市场份额为代价,吸引外资企业对我国进行技术转移,通过对所引进技术的消化吸收进行模仿创新,已达到提升我国生产技术水平和研发能力的最终目的。 跨国公司对华技术转移过程中存在问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_33651.html