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时间:2019-05-10 22:22来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:外资利用 淮安市 发展  问题
[Analysis of the utilization of foreign capital in Huai’an]
Abstract: The use of foreign capital refers to the Chinese governments at all levels, departments, enterprises and other economic organizations in order to raise foreign cash, technology and take the foreign borrowing or foreign direct investment absorption. Since twentieth Century 80 years of reform and opening up, the key Chinese opening policy has always benn based on attracting foreign investment, at the same time, the Chinese focus on the transformation of economic mode, which makes the China become more successful in the use of foreign countries. But in recent years, with the great change have taken place in the cemestic macroeconomic environment,t he use of relevant foreign also controversial. This paper takes Jiangsu province underdeveloped City Huaian city as the research object, to study the practice of foreign investment utilization in Huaian city as a depression of Jiangsu province for the export-oriented economy, foreign capital dependence stronger. In recent years, although the increasing amount of Huaian City, the introduction of foreign capital, but the introduction of foreign capital, there are still some problems, the article analyzes the present situation of the utilization of foreign capital in Huaian City, found the problem an puts forward the Countermeasures of reasonable utilization of foreign capital.
Key Words:development  FDI  problem
目 录 
(三)淮安市外资利用存在的问题 ..8
结束语. .   14
 参考文献. .  . ..15
淮安市坐落于长江三角洲北部,是江苏省所辖13个省辖市之一,是开国总理周恩来的故乡,是全国历史文化名城,位于苏北平原腹地。淮安市是革命发源地,是一座文化底蕴非常深厚的城市,历史上的淮安市资源丰富,商贾云集,经济繁荣,作为一座历史悠久的老城,淮安市一直以传统农业经济为主,发展较为落后。但是,淮安市生态环境优良,产业基础好,土地、水、电、劳动力等生产要素相对充裕,在交通以及环境等方面具有明显的比较优势,是一座发展前景非常广阔的城市。淮安市位于中国南北黄金分割点上,具有“承南起北”的重要地位,自古就是南船北马的通衢要地,如今京沪高速、新长铁路、京杭大运河等运输大动脉,在境内纵横交汇,淮安市正在成为现代交通和物流节点城市。苏北的区位给淮安市的外资利用带来了好的影响,随着苏北五市纳入长三角计划,外向型经济北移西进,淮安市的经济发展达到了发展的契机。虽然淮安市的经济发展起步较晚,但由于政府的大力支持,因此发展势头迅猛。淮安市的劳动力资源和土地资源丰富,外资利用的成本较低,同时资源尚未完全开发,适合外资企业大展拳脚。因此淮安市的外资经济近年来迅速发展。 淮安市利用外资情况的分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_33145.html