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时间:2019-01-24 20:04来源:毕业论文

关键词 房地产价格 区域差异性 货币政策 实证分析
Title   Research on Transmission Effects of Monetary Policy through Real Estate Prices --Based on the Comparison between Eastern and Western Areas
The development of real estate industry provides a new transmission channel of monetary policy, but it also make the transmission mechanism of monetary policy more complex and the implementation of  monetary policy more difficult. Exploring the principles and effectiveness of monetary policy transmission mechanism of real estate prices and coordinating the eastern and western regional differences have guiding significance in theory and practice to improve the monetary policy . This paper begins with the theoretical level to introduce the principle of the monetary transmission mechanism, and then use VAR model to make the empirical analysis. The conclusion is that the channels of real estate prices is mainly effective, but there is a big difference between the East and the West on the money supply and interest rate change sensitivity, leading to the unsuccessful implementation of monetary policy. This paper proposes appropriate countermeasure,including implementing the differentiated monetary policy, reducing the regional disparities and standardizing  the action of  market players , trying  to  provide theoretical and practical supports for the effective implementation of China’s monetary policy.
Keywords  monetary policy  real estate price  regional differentiation  empirical analysis
目  次
1.绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析    1
1.3本文研究内容及框架    4
1.4文章创新    5
2.货币政策房地产价格传导机制的理论介绍    6
2.1货币政策传导机制的相关理论    6
2.2货币政策房地产价格传导效应的理论分析    7
2.3房地产价格波动对国民经济影响的理论分析    8
3.货币政策房地产价格传导效应的实证分析    12
3.1数据的选取及处理    12
3.2平稳性检验    12
3.3协整关系检验    14
3.4VAR模型的建立    14
3.5脉冲响应分析    15
4.实证结论和政策建议    19
4.1实证结论    19
4.2东西部差异比较    19
4.3政策建议    20
结 论    23
5.1.全文总结    23
5.2研究不足和展望    23
致  谢    25
附录    27
2015年是考验中国经济发展最为关键的一年。经济不断下行的压力迫使中央政府进行了一系列大刀阔斧的改革,其中房地产行业可谓是首当其冲。面对趋冷的房地产市场,中央和地方政策按捺不住,2015年以来利好政策一波接着一波,诸如买房不限购、降息又降准、降低公积金贷款门槛,旨在用“稳楼市”来“稳增长”。由此可以看出,房地产业对我国经济的重要性。中央政府发布的一系列货币政策和财政政策,旨在通过改变货币供应量和市场利率来调控房价,继而由房价的波动来影响国民经济,主要表现在投资和消费方面。货币政策传导效果的好坏与否,房地产业毋庸置疑是是非常重要的一个环节。 货币政策房地产价格传导效应的研究-基于东西部地区的比较:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_29827.html